The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
| 18 September 1982 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Clevercell Very disappointing...
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    novovacuum I still remember the episode "Enter:She-Hulk" where they introduced us the cousin of our troubled gamma-genes doctor. I must say the 1996 series treated her better as the witty and extravertido character she was rather than "Ms. Broken Clothes". Yet that episode was powerful stuff. Jen could change at will, maintain her 'human' mind and regenerate her clothes too! While in the current cartoon Dr. Banner changed only one or two times into Hulk, Jen changed a total of FOUR times and do a lot of damage to their enemies, crippling whole bases of HYDRA in a matter of minutes! (I suggest strongly to see the fourth transformation where she reduces her own car to scraps in order to save her life and Bruce's). And better yet, Bruce looked at her as a way to cure him form being the Hulk. As well as I remember the Hulk gained a doses of intelligence in the chapter...hmmm, too bad she never got her own toon.
    craiglowrie This is probably my favourite cartoon ever from when I was a kid. It introduced me to the Hulk and he became my favourite super hero (with Spider-man a close second). I've never saw an episode of the 60's cartoon but as I've saw every other 60's Marvel cartoon, I would imagine the 80's cartoon is better (but I did like those 60's shows). I also think the 80's show is better than the 90's show(okay), the 70's/80's live action show(really good but too unfaithful to comic) and the 2003 movie(good but could have been great). To me, the guy who did Hulk's voice(was it Michael Bell?) is THE voice of the Hulk,Michael Bell is THE voice of Bruce Banner and the theme tune is THE Hulk theme. When Bruce turned into the Hulk there was an excitement that the other screen versions couldn't quite capture.
    lyndafan I grew up with Spider-Man, Hulk and the other wonderful Marvel characters and I really love this version of the Hulk! This show and "Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends" are my two favorite cartoon series of all-time! It is not silly like the muck that we have on TV today. Also, as with all SunBow shows the animation and stories are top notch! The voice work is amazing as well. Michael Bell is the perfect choice for role of Bruce Banner other than Bill Bixby. There was a new Hulk series in the 1990's but it could not capture the sense of drama that this series has. I really wish that Disney would get cracking and release this great show on DVD in season sets, along with Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends!
    Bats_Breath So far, this '80s Hulk series remains the best animated Hulk series ever produced. Like all '80s animated series, this show had the BEST MUSIC ever. The music is basically similar to the two '80s Spider-Man cartoons. The mid-'90s Hulk series had better animation, but the stories just flat out sucked. The '90s series was not consistent either, as it had Banner going through several different annoying Hulk phases. And the worst thing about the '90s was how much air time was given to the stupid She-Hulk.The '80s series perfectly captured what the Hulk was about. Betty Ross was in it, Rick Jones was in it, and the Hulk was being chased by the army led by General Ross and his "Hulk Busters". This series also correctly portrayed the Hulk as a brute savage with VAST superhuman strength, opposed to the '70s TV series with Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. In that '70s/early '80s TV series, Ferrigno's Hulk just had some superhuman strength on the power scale of Spider-Man. This '80s animated Hulk was like the comic book Hulk. He could land on a tank and smash it, throw cars, tanks, planes and boats with ease, flick missiles with just his pinky, and cause the ground to rumble by 'smashing it'. The Hulk's power is on the scale of Superman's, probably more so since the "madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk becomes!!" But as much of a brute and dumb savage as the Hulk is, he is still influenced by Dr. Bruce Banner's good natured persona. So the Hulk never intentionally hurts or kills anyone. But the series still hints that Banner and his wild experiments with gamma radiation might make him more dangerous then the Hulk ever could be. The animation isn't as stupid as the laughable '60s cartoon, where some lazy artists put a still photo drawing of the Hulk onto a comic book background and had him "move". This '80s series had animation that is decent and at least watchable. Pretty typical of '80s Saturday morning cartoons anyway, kinda cheap looking, but not so distracting and stupid as '60s and '70s cartoons as to be totally unwatchable.The only really stupid part of this series was how Bruce Banner's clothes mysteriously morphed back to him whenever he changed from the Hulk back to Banner. That was hard to swallow even when I was 6 years old. I guess that was done to keep Banner's "secret identity" from General Ross and the military, which would always be called into question if he is routinely found walking around without his shirt and wearing only ripped pants. If you can overlook that, and the somewhat kiddie nature of this series,(it was obviously aimed at people 9 and under) then you will enjoy this show. The stories were simply fantastic. The only thing the '90s series had over this one was more maturity and better animation.