The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
TV-Y7 | 08 September 1996 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    adonis98-743-186503 A nuclear scientist is afflicted with the tendency to change into a powerful green monster under stress. This show i feel like it's working pretty fine even to this day especially for a 90's Kids Cartoon unfortunately tho once the Grey Hulk and She-Hulk get into the whole plot the story becomes a mess and the overall story turns into a big cheesy comedy with the characters trying to throw some jokes here and there and basically everyone turning into a Hulk for some reason it also tries to be something better and bigger than X-Men and Spider-Man but it lacks both the charm and the fun that those shows had and it's something that you're going to enjoy just for a little bit (6.9/10)
    Angelus2 I feel privileged to have grown up during the 90's, simply because of the wonderful cartoon shows that graced the screen on a 'Saturday' morning. Today, there's simply nothing that can match the excellence of the 90's.We the audience follow Bruce Banner as he tries to find a cure to stop the Hulk, his alter-ego from causing anymore destruction. A creature that is the true manifestation of rage. But, there's always someone who wants to challenge the incredible Hulk.I thought this show was brilliantly done, it had a sadness to it that other shows didn't have..I as a nine or ten year old felt Banner's pain and loneliness...But what was truly great was the Hulk's he destroyed everything and anyone who got in his way.
    inchulkman This is the hulk come alive from the comicbook. this cartoon does the green Goliath more justice then booth the television series and Ang Lee's (2003)film. The hulk is a force of nature and this cartoon shows that but it also shows the child like side to the hulk. And having Lou Ferrigno do the voice of the hulk was just awesome. Pluse the villains here you got the Leader The automation and many more classic Hulk villains. God I so miss watching this cartoon. during the second season is started to go down hill when they decided to bring the she hulk in on almost every episode something that most definitely wasn't needed and is probably one of the reasons why this show didn't last very long. Still the first season was Amazing and the second season had some memorable moments before going to crap. Seeing the grey hulk in the second season was cool
    mack3175 I'm a big Incredible Hulk fan. The first season started out great. It was a mixture the orignal comic book story and the live action show. In this cartoon,Dr. Banner was on the run but instead of a reporter, he was on the run from a government. I really enjoyed this shows first season. But when the She Hulk and the Grey Hulk became regulars on the show, I did'nt watch it has much, the shows appeal was gone. It was becoming silly and dumb. If they make another Hulk cartoon series, please do it a little better.