The Thundermans
The Thundermans
TV-G | 14 October 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    mr_zez This show has many good effects on kids and teenagers, how to be a real family, how to stand beside each other, It reminds us that family always comes first I just want to say Thank you Nickelodeon.
    Samuel Murillo If I were being perfectly honest, there's really just nothing to this show, except for the fact that they're a superhero family, (sigh) living in a suburban town, (sigh) pretty generic superhero sitcom. I mean, it's not like Nickelodeon doesn't have another superhero sitcom which shares exact same premise, one. Two: The characters are very generic and don't exactly have anything to them that's interesting, or don't exactly exhibit traits, let alone even flaws, typical of the superheroes we see in other movies. We hardly ever get to see them in legitimate action, or if they are in action, the fights/villains are hardly engaging enough anyway. The show isn't even funny either and the writing is just very stale, making the laugh tracks annoyingly inappropriate. It's honestly just another generic Nickelodeon sitcom designed merely to keep kids' eyes on the TV. Not exactly memorable or any good.
    avataryesthethundermansno Why do people like this show? This show is not funny at all, and it is the Teen Titans Go of Nick, always getting the most attention and airtime and is killing the network. I REALLY, REALLY hate this show. Why? Because of its awful messages and role models. In this show, the characters are always being extremely mean and disrespectful. The characters are always physically hurting each other, calling each other mean names, humiliating each other, and saying awful, awful things. Every single family member abuses each other by hurting each other with or without their powers, not giving each other love, respect, and attention, and saying very, very awful things. Phoebe and Max also bully other people in school, like teachers and unpopular students. This show teaches kids to disrespect your family, to disrespect authority, to steal, to cheat, to be a liar, to trick other people, to be selfish, to cause drama, to cheat on your romantic partner and to be a bully, is that what you wanna teach your kids? huh? After parents let their kids see this show, the kids are sure to pick up on the mean-spirited and toilet humor behaviors of the characters. The show itself isn't even original. Its a cheap knock-off of Wizards of Waverly Place, Lab Rats, and the Incredibles. The Thundermans use their powers for their own personal gain It also has a LOT of toilet humor: too many butt, fart, poop, pee, burp, vomit, booger, and twerk jokes. None of the other jokes are funny either, they are bland and mean spirited, and the gosh darn LAUGH TRACK PLAYS AFTER EVERY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN THE LINES THAT AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY!!!!! I bet the laugh track would play if someone said their dog died. Also the acting sucks and the characters are just bland stereotypes. Phoebe is the overacheiving nerdy girly girl who only likes fashion and social media. Max is the villain who does mean stuff. Nora is the little girly girl brat who tricks other people. Billy is the dumb moron who goes along with what Nora says. Barb is the overworked mother. Hank is the overweight lazy dumb father. Chloe is the baby who aged rapidly because the writers are lazy. She's okay though. but sometimes helps Nora and billy with their schemes. Anyway, never ever watch. Watch other shows instead.
    SifTheGreatGreyWolf Back when I was a kid, kid's shows were actually quality shows. They had enough content to keep kids entertained, along with a few subtle jokes to entertain adults thrown in.My little brother and sister watch this "comedy" called The Thundermans. Oh boy, how I wish they'd read instead.First off, the writing quality in this show is nothing but poor. There's not even any sort of smart humor in this. The only thing as far as a joke goes is someone saying something really loud, or someone falling over something. There are no quality jokes, no witty punchlines or quirky characters. Just a bunch of people talking LOUDER THAN NECESSARY.Secondly, the acting. The acting is atrocious, it's like they grabbed random kids touring the studio and asked them to sign a contract. Seriously, how much do they get paid a show? Free admission to six flags, a happy meal and $50 spending money?Finally, the laugh track. OH the laugh track. Literally every 5 seconds of the show is that God-forsaken laughtrack. Someone walks really fast? Laughtrack. Someone shouts a random word? Laughtrack. Someone says something stupid (intentional or not)? Laughtrack. Someone says their name? Laughtrack. The bell at school rings? Laughtrack. I'd hate to see how this show would go if an episode took place at a funeral.Bottom line, if you want a quality kids show this definitely isn't it. And it's not really fair to point out this specific show it's almost EVERY kids show nowadays. We wonder why our generations are becoming less and less intelligent? It's these stupid kids shows!Stick with Looney Tunes, or 90's Nickelodeon. Save your children while you can.