The High Chaparral
The High Chaparral
TV-G | 10 September 1967 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    katiagor I recently watched recordings of this western and thoroughly enjoyed the shows. The cast was wonderful. But I was especially impressed with the talents of Henry Darrow and Cameron Mitchell. A couple of episodes showcase their comedic talents and are a scream. This western holds it own today - much better than Bonanza in my opinion. The writing was good and the location settings make for a much more realistic presentation. And the conflicts with the Apache and the whites are more historically presented. Some of the episodes are better than others, of course, but the series holds up well 40 years later. It's not on the level of Lonesome Dove but LD was a mini series and not episodic TV from the late 1960s. I do wish old westerns had refrained from false eyelashes and excessive makeup on the women. But this show is wonderful. Makes me want to see other work by Cameron Mitchell and Henry Darrow especially as they really did steal the show!
    bfm_1017 The High Chaparral was the best of the many TV westerns. Bonanza was equally excellent, especially in character development. The difference for me was the quality of the writing in High Chaparral. This show compelled me to visit Tucson, Bisbee, and surrounding Southwest Arizona and Mexican locations several times. Tucson seems like a second home to me.The use of the landscape, the development of distinct characters such as John Cannon, Victoria, Manolito, Don Sebastian, and especially Buck, and the treatment of Native Americans in story lines was the most balance I have seen in this genre. Native Americans, especially the Apaches, were presented as having good and bad people, just as the whites were presented, good and bad. I particularly think the actors were outstanding - Cameron Mitchell, Frank Silvera, and Henry Darrow especially.This show unfortunately does not show up on TV much at all, and I'm afraid it will disappear as more years go by. I can't believe it is not on DVD, especially since there's so much bad stuff on DVD, why not put something quality like this out? Next time it is on, I'll be sure to record as many as I can for viewing later when it's gone for good. Like the old West, this show may have seen it's last sunset. Too bad.
    bmeskunas This was an expensive western for the producers to deliver and it shows. Unlike other shows of its time and genre, the creators of The High Chaparral tried to move away from shallow hero/villain stereotypes and tired shoot-em-up story lines. The result was a brilliant - albeit short-lived - television series. In reality, this was more a family drama than a western.I can recall growing up on re-runs of this show in the 70's ... my friends and I all watched the show religiously and used to make believe we were characters in it.I remember an interview someone did with Michael Landon once ... this was right before "Little House" came out. Anyway, I remember his trashing "The High Chaparral" because the central figure, the patriarch John Cannon, was always quarreling with his son, Billy Blue. Mr. Landon insisted America didn't want to see this type of realism. He may have been right to a point, but I think it WAS this realism that made the show memorable. All of the main characters were lovable yet they were all far from perfect. Meanwhile, many of the villains had qualities that made the viewer identify with them. The lines between "good" and "bad" were hopelessly blurred on this show ... much like they are in real life. Add to that the realism of the Arizona desert, the dust, the sweat and the sun in their eyes and you felt like you were there. This was no small accomplishment for a show that came along in the sixties.I am absolutely bewildered as to why other (and, in my view, inferior) westerns ARE available on DVD but this one still isn't. Why is Paramount continuing to miss the boat?
    kylemcd77 This show is one of the best TV shows I have ever seen, and definitely the best western.This show is ahead of it's time in many ways. I wasn't even born when this show had it's original run but saw it on re-runs during the 80's and 90's and the show still held up to modern TV shows. Where most old TV shows tend to seem a bit dated 25-30 years down the track High Chaparral is still top quality viewing. The stories are well written and the acting is quite good.The way that the Apache aren't just portrayed as mindless savages is also a very modern outlook. If the show is ever re-run again I will make a point to watch every episode.