The Day of the Triffids
The Day of the Triffids
NR | 28 December 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Per Johnsen How on earth could the BBC system, that normally delivers high quality, come out with this disaster of a mini-series? There is no synopsis on the IMDb page. Maybe everyone is just too embarrassed to even try writing one. I certainly won't contribute! I did listen carefully to the radio drama from the Norwegian broadcaster NRK, made back in 1969, and that is far more exciting than this TV drama from 2009, even though one should expect the opposite. I haven't found out who has directed or produced this nonsense and I don't even care. And how could such top actors believe in it? They don't seem to be having a good time. The film is so full of logical flaws, bad acting and poor film crafting that it clearly is appropriate for use in film schools as a great example of how not to do it.
    philaulman I thought this adaptation was in large, good. I was only 5 when the original was on TV, so couldn't remember much about the story, save the giant man-eating plants and some blind people.I thought the actors did the best they could with a less-than-brilliant script. Dougray Scott was good as the main protagonist as was Eddie Izzard in his antagonist role.The real surprise in this version though was Joely Richardson. Although a talented actress, she must have been suffering an off-day, as her acting was dreadful. Could've been the script, but then again, most of the other actors managed okay. Top marks for the BBC though for managing to secure Brian Cox and "A Redgrave".All in all, good fun but with a few weak bits.
    k-thomas I have read the other reviews about this movie and find them a bit harsh. I agree there are a lot of faults, but you must realize that it is science fiction. In the book the triffids were a scientific experiment and in the original movie, they were spores from a meteorite shower. What i liked most was the makers put an idea of their own and turned it into a movie, such as the fact the triffids were used for their oil. You must remember in H.G.Wells The time Machine, there is no mention of the two world wars as the book was written in the late 19th century, so the movie makers put some ideas of their own. For example in the remake they put a story line about the moon breaking. Getting back to Day Of The Triffids. Yes you had a villain called Torrence. Well that story line has been used in several science fiction stories such as the android in Alien or Dr Smith in Lost In Space. I thought the special effects were very good and considering the amount of trash that is on television these days it was a welcome piece of light entertainment. Also having two very good established actors as Vannessa Redgrave and Brian Cox appearing in it was also a nice touch. My opinion of their performances was they put their usual 100 percent efforts into their relatively small roles, which shows how professional they are and it inspired some of the younger members of the cast. No, i must say it might not go down as a classic and win lots of awards, but i sat and watched the full three hours of this movie and enjoyed it very much. Kevin Thomas.
    daniel-mcgarry Not sure if this is a spoiler, but in this remake of John Wyndham's book, the sap of Triffids is a source of energy-rich 'Triff-Oil' which solves the worldwide energy crisis and burns so cleanly it reverses global warming, even though the Triffids are carnivorous mobile plants with deadly stingers. Not a big problem until the world is struck blind and people become easy prey to the triffids. But here's my WTF moment: If Triffid sap is so flammable, why doesn't anybody use a torch on them? Or Napalm from an airplane? There must be at least ONE pilot who wasn't flying when the world went blind. All we ask is a little internal logic.
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