The Collection
The Collection
TV-MA | 02 September 2016 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    rbkjr I originally didn't intend to watch "The Collection" For no particular reason, then I brought up the program listings guide on Sunday afternoon, and clicked on the local Los Angeles PBS station. I saw episode 2 was scheduled to be televised that night, And decided to set the DVR... And go back to watch the first episode online, which I have done to my great delight. The writing is outstanding, and character development so well done, that you can't ask more from a series (Masterpiece) I've watched on PBS, Over the years...with a reputation nothing less than par-excellence, going all the way back to when it was still hosted by Alastair Cooke and known as "Masterpiece Theater", With its beautiful weekly presentment...brought to life by its Renaissance style theme music, Which I, along with millions of others Who followed the program regularly, I'm sure, must have truly loved hearing that theme music played...every time It came on.This series (the Collection), All about the post-WWII times in France, trying to regain Its stature, By the use of high Couture fashion, out of Paris, To gain respectability... after The Vichy government allowed the Nazis to walk in, uncontested, And take over The country... while the collaboration of the French government, didn't put up a fight, To the dismay of many of its citizens. Those who didn't have enough bread to eat after the war ended... And many of the French bakeries who were forced to close several days per week, until they could get enough supplies to even feed their citizens again, were probably part of the original resistance, and never forgave the government, especially those in higher-up positions of authority, who got everything they wanted or needed, unlike the majority of their citizenry. Excellent juxtaposition Of real life history, With character development to represent all the facets of life, from the highest to the lowest classes.If you in anyway feel uncomfortable with the representation of a gay character, brought to life  on the screen, completely, in all aspects... You may feel threatened by this series, Or at least certain parts of this episode, in particular.It's not just about the fashion industry trying to regain its identity and getting a foothold within The French culture, It's about the peoples' identity trying to regain who they are as a people, and a culture... While trying to overcome the high price they paid for their Government "selling out"... thinking they had overcome the worst obstacles, once the war had come to an end. Only to find that the struggle for self-identity was even harder than they may have thought.I eagerly await The chance To view episode 2  from the DVR, that I hadn't planned to record, And now wholeheartedly, am glad that I did!
    scvj-06911 The series is wonderful on so many levels: well written, splendid acting, gorgeous costume design, intrigue and drama... I just find it disconcerting to hear all the clipped, beautifully elegant, veddy British voices in a show set in post WWII Paris. About Paris fashion, French couture, France recovering from German occupancy. Really, the only thing that seems French is the frequent use of "Monsieur," which gives me a jolt now and then. I'll bet there are plenty of English speaking French actors who would have been great, and they would have made the series more credible. My other reason for giving the show a so-so 7 is that Monsieur Sabine has the dumbest henchman in history. Possible Spoiler: He buries a body in a shallow grave in the garden of the house Sabine bought for his mother! And clubbing the viewer over the head with the frequent foreshadowing shots of clinking tin cans? That is just irritating.
    annmarin123 Am I losing my mind... Or are most of the "original series" being put out lately just boring as heck?Should I be blamed for holding these series to the "Breaking Bad Season 1" benchmark? Maybe so... I guess I got spoiled.I tried, again, tried hard to get into this. I mean, its all up my alley: Period piece. Intrigue. Clothes. Haute Couture Clothing (Imbd just scolded me for shouting, sorry). The ad alone with the gorgeous red dress photo had me at Hello. But halfway into the first episode, I had to give up the ghost. Honestly I fell asleep and I can't even tell you what was going on. A man, he's reviled by the media for some reason, he's apparently rich a.f., cobblestones, and he's a fashion designer icon. He's the designer of a gorgeous emerald green satin dress.. that much I can tell you. The rest is a fog.I hope you have better luck with this one than I did.That is all.
    lizzyfl345 I can not stop talking about the series - it's beautifully produced with a great cast, interesting characters and I love the gorgeous post war Paris setting. The fashion is stunning as are the story lines. The family drama is intense, pitting family against family. Each character is faced with moral dilemmas and are haunted by their past mistakes, destructive flaws and dark secrets,... A definite recipe for a gripping drama. will definitely be looking forward to watching season 2.
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