The Collection
The Collection
TV-MA | 02 September 2016 (USA)
  • 1
  • Reviews
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    mascoggin I will try to cover what others haven't already said. I was young, but remember the fanfare and excitement about "The Look", the magazine covers, and then - finally - wearing those styles as a young teen from about 1954 forward! The photos are iconic, as well as the American photographer who I believe is purposefully channeling young James Dean's looks and gestures (to my admiration). This just adds to the '50's feel! As for the Nazi-collaborators hints, a very serious matter. I had never thought of it in terms of the French fashion industry! It is like Downton Abbey with the public beauty, wealth and glamour and the working class dressmaking staff and others behind the scenes.The baby out of wedlock, secretiveness, adoption and aftermath all fit the 1950's times, too. Hard to believe now that this was how things were done! BUT THEY WERE! Young women - all women - you MUST politically and socially fight against taking us back to those times!
    a_marciniak I started watching this because I saw a promo for it and thought it was beautifully shot. I've only just finished the first episode, but these are my thoughts. The show is, assuredly, beautifully shot. The characters, as written, are definitely archetypes that we've all seen before; it is true. Their personifications by the cast are nonetheless quite compelling, save for Billy who needs to just disappear. Watching him is like taking the orange zest side of a cheese grater against your skin. Awful. Or perhaps that's the point? To show how annoying, presumptuous, and unlearned we Americans are in the City of Lights? TDB...My chief complaint, aside from the fact that the entire Sabine staff seems completely fluent in English as if it were their first language, is that the ruling family of this couture house are played by British actors, and their delivery is quintessentially British. Yes, they nod to their supposed Frenchness by saying "maman" instead of "mum", but their classic British cold calculated restraint on display is a different animal than the typical French sangfroid. This cultural disconnect between the British actors trying (not trying) to act French is a bit jarring. Compare these three to how Nina and her mother are played to truly see the difference. Otherwise, i'm intrigued and will ride out the season. Beautiful costumes.
    snovprice I just watched the entire season 1 on a rainy Saturday. I am intrigued with this show. It is like Downton Abbey meets Mad Men meets Scandal! The costumes are gorgeous, and the characters have a lot of depth. I especially love Claude and Nina. I hope so bad that more seasons are added. Love The Collection!
    jcamp-25390 I cannot tell you how many times I have watched episode 3. The chemistry between Nina and Claude and Nina's love for her mom and Monsiour - captivating. I love all the characters - the wife, the mother (Claude and Monsiour's mother), Claude, Nina; her mother, the darling Black girl and her giftedness and character - she is radiant. This film has it all. It is beautiful!I also loved the lady who supported Nina when she was presented coming down the stairs - she was a jewel!Don't know if this makes any sense to you - but I have been enthralled with the beauty and quality of this fine film for months - I can only say, thank you!