The Chew
The Chew
TV-PG | 26 September 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    maggieangel1117 I love The Chew. Its a very informative and fun show. I am also very glad that Daphne Oz is gone. It seems to me watching the new season, the cast is more lively now that she is gone. I had nothing against her eating healthy, but I felt like she pushed her beliefs on the cast sometimes and got upset when they didn't always agree with her. Who knows. I just feel the show is better now that she is gone.
    matthewvern-733-450286 This show wants to be something it is not. It wants to be a fun, energetic show containing various perspectives regarding approaches to cooking and food in general. It is actually a show with a bunch of "people" running around like their heads have been cut off. It appears the producers dose the hosts with uppers at the beginning of the show, so that in the end there is a mess of food and each person can barely speak due to exhaustion. There is nothing cohesive about this show. The hosts appear to compete with each other as they fight one another for the spotlight. There is never enough time to finish a recipe as evidenced by the throwing of food amid acknowledgements that "TIME IS RUNNING OUT"! Is there a bomb hidden somewhere? Who sets the clock for these segments? Jesus Christ this show needs to relax because it is painful and anxiety inducing - far from helpful in any capacity.
    wwroblic I like to cook (and eat) and enjoy watching food-related shows on TV including, in its early days, The Chew. More recently, however, I've lost interest in it, as its emphasis has gradually shifted away from cooking and food and more toward idle chit-chat among the hosts and various second-rate guest celebrities, most of whom seem as if they've never set foot in a kitchen before. In fact, when you subtract time spent on silly games, craft demonstrations, dubious fashion tips, the aforementioned gossiping, and frequent, interminable commercials, there's probably less than ten minutes out of the hour-long show that concern anything edible. And when someone does get behind the stove on the set, all we usually get to see are billowing clouds of greasy smoke from burning fat and shots of food scorching in a blackened pot -- not very appetizing.
    coolklr By far the worst show on all of TV. I can't wait until its gone. I have watched the show several times. Most of the time I cannot make myself watch the entire show. Most of the time it is so annoying that you just can't watch the entire show. I have no idea what Mrs. Hall use to do what ever it was I hope she did it better that she does on the view. The only thing that I can come up with that she would could be a witch for Halloween, only part time work but she would fit the part. Now as for the rest of the crew, what a joke. Very poorly done form slob looking outfits. To the 70's style hair with the nice roots shine in the studio lights. Who puts crap like this on this network. sad, sad, sad.