The Benny Hill Show
The Benny Hill Show
TV-14 | 19 November 1969 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Corty Blue Never has a comic genius of such magnitude, diversity of skills, and generosity with the cast and audience ever graced television or movies. Truly the greatest recipient of the Chaplin Award for Comedy, Sir Alfred Hawthorne Hill made us laugh, made us sing, made us ... horny.Benny Hill's creativity with choreography, jokes, music, lyrics was endless. Even when he repeated bits, he would always add a new twist each time.Such a shame that Benny Hill was never knighted. Such a crime that he was never elected Prime Minister. He would have done an infinitely better job of running England than any PM since Churchill.As a feminist male, I applaud his genius for interweaving respecting women with his slapstick comedy. It was always the goofball men in the skits who were made the buffoons. But, clearly, he allowed the incredibly talented women on his show (most notably Louise English and Sue Upton) to stretch THEIR comedic acting in skits (Wonder Gran).Benny Hill could play harp, play guitar, play whatever instrument he needed to for a skit, in full drag or costume, write the lyrics for his simple yet interesting tunes.He could do completely silent physical clown routines flawlessly. His skits were never insulting, never condescending, to anyone in society. His emphasis was always on his silly over-the-top characters being goofy. And, of course, nothing was funnier than his relentless ribbing of the always-turned-on heterosexual male sexual desire for women.
    dvbar1 When I was young in the early eighties I would stay up late every weekend to watch Benny Hill and just got the DVD set not having seen it since. I have to say it's still as funny as I remember (probably even more so now that I understand more of the jokes) and one of the funniest things I've seen in years. After growing up watching Benny Hill I now understand why I just don't find many of today's comics funny, because they're not. You can all have your Adam Sandlers and the like I'll take Benny any day. I find it very sad reading about his early death and treatment in his home country, to think we were all denied probably years more of his comic genius because of a bunch of over sensitive loudmouth idiots is beyond me. I can understand if you didn't like him, not everyone has the same taste, but to vilify the man who was obviously doing something right by staying popular for so long is a true travesty. Thank goodness we have video to enjoy what he did do to keep those of us who do find him funny laughing for as long as we like.
    alantaylor168 I remember watching The Benny Hill show during the Seventies on London channel Thames TV, which also produced the show from their studios at Teddington Lock in west London. I remember just how popular this show was in England and as i found out later, the whole world. This man was a comedy genius ranked by many with the all time greats such as Chaplin, Keaton, Laurel & Hardy, Lloyd. In France he is revered as a comedy auteur. His shows viewing figures were always in the top ten in the UK right up to his shows cancellation in 1989. Around the same time comedy in Britain was undergoing a revolution. The old-school traditional end-of-pier type of comedy that had become a mainstay in UK television (Are You Being Served) was now considered to be politically incorrect. In it's place came a new "style" of writing more influenced by correct non sexist/racist humour. This change was headlined by such shows as The Comic Strip Presents,The Young Ones,Friday night Live and a whole host of other programing that had first had exposure with the launch of channel 4 in 1982. By the late 80s Thames television were facing a barrage of anti Benny Hill sentiment driven by the UK press that was totally contradicted by his viewing figures that showed only a small decline in viewers. Thames decided to bite the political bullet and cancelled his show in 1989. Benny Hill was to experience the wilderness of change and he never worked again. Former members of the Hills Angels visited him on a regular basis, but a depression had started to eat away at him. He died on April 18, 1992.Now in 2005 TV comedy in the UK is split into two halves. The commercial channels such as Channels 4 & 5 show predominantly US imports such as Friends, Joey etc. While the BBC still stick to homegrown comedy such as Little Britain, The Smoking Room, which are the direct descendants of the "Alternative Comedy" that changed British TV in the 1980s. The problem now is is that it's hard to find anything that can give you a real belly laugh because todays comedy is too obsessed with patting itself on the back in self congratulation at how smart it is.
    banzaibill I've laughed and enjoyed the Benny Hill shows ever since i was very young, and still do. Benny Hill is one of the comedians who are really able to be funny, without contrived situations and one-liners. And he manages to throw in some more serious acting too. There is a certain feeling of quality, of true artistry to every moment of the show which most of his followers lack. Many of the jokes are seen as off-color today and would probably never be aired if the show was new, a sign that things are changing in the other direction. Catch it now before it is forever buried and condemned by the politically correct!