TV-Y7 | 02 November 2015 (USA)

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    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    sonicxmariotails I like this show because unlike Johnny Test I actually like this characters well most of them and they're actually learning. But there are problems. There are jokes I've seen before and the animation is nothing special, but overall this show deserves an eight out of 10. I'm tired of people hating on decent TV shows. If you don't like it fine just don't rant about it. You see when you rant you waste energy, so don't rant on a decent show.Again there are problems and I know that so don't say I'm calling this show the best show ever or anything.Also I need 10 lines.
    harrun-48391 Before this review if you like this show i'm respect your opinion.the plotOK it's about four kids Tyler, Kevin, shoppe, and roach get the ball who calls the battle ball in an accident made by the aliens mnemonic and zen-block because they believed that they where soldiers and then they must learn them the power that they can use to save the thoughts about this show i find it boring stereotypical and giving kids stupid message to kids the animation is bland and stiff the intro song wants me to eat an spicy pepper i did knew that it didn't had the potential and have and i know Scott Fellow the same guy who made johnny test i know he is an nice guy but he cant think that kids is stupid and make stupid shows because kids aren't stupid and this show is lacking creativity i'm know Canadian show can be decent or good but many of them is garbage and unoriginal and this show is awful and boring can watch johnny test over thisif you want to have you kids an good taste of cartoons let them see Steven universe adventure time wander over yonder star vs the forces of evil regular show and many more even the classic and many moreplease don't show this for kids
    camiacono Scott fellows the creator is the same guy who brought us the plague that was Johnny test. This show is better but not by much, the animation is average though to be fair unlike JT it has a decent frame rate. This show has a lot of stereotypes which is both insulting and lazy. The basic set up for this show is "what would nerds like to watch?" and as a nerd (not in the bad term)myself I can clearly see what there doing wrong. References do not equal jokes and that is what many shows like this and Teen titans go get wrong. Plots are basic and stupid and the sound effects and musical notes are way too similar too johnny test, I know it's unfair to compare two shows made by the same creator but if your going to make another you should have different themes, settings and character traits. One thing this show dose have over johnny test is the main character (or rather in this case characters) dose have friends unlike johnny who was a selfish loner. Now even though the "Noobs" I guess that's what they literally call themselves come off as dull and yet still manage to be annoying. I really can't believe cartoon network gave teletoon another chance at a show.
    Theraxorterminate (Important Note: This review is coming from someone who has "seen" the real material and not from someone who hasn't even seen it and giving away with simplistic sentences one would expect from a YouTube commentary.)When was it the last time you've found a really, really bad cartoon? Well I'm not gonna lie, it's no wonder that it is so annoyingly easy to find a bad cartoon these days. But I'm starting to get worried, I mean I certainly hope that this cartoon (yet another one made by the same creator behind the atrocious Johnny Test) won't be making more than 4 seasons.OK so first of all, what kind of a cartoon and its main characters would bear a lame name like "SuperNoobs"? I honestly believed that was already enough for me to realize how bad this cartoon was going to be. Now I know a vise person once said: "Do not judge a book by its cover" so I guess I decided to take a look at it after all. And no, nobody forced me to this was completely my own decision and I can now honestly tell everyone around here on IMDb that I am completely sickened by a cartoon like SuperNoobs.I mean what was that cartoon really? I mean if Scott Fellows's last cartoon wasn't bad enough, then I guess that SuperNoobs is even worse than its predecessor. Everything around this cartoon is just unoriginal at best, for example why does every episode need the word "Noob" for their episode titles? Haven't we already seen this concept for every Johnny Test episodes with their titles? Its main opening theme has got to be one of the most forgettable music themes I have ever ever heard in my life, even right now when I'm writing this review I still can't remember how it's sounds like because it was so badly done.The stories are also nothing more than overused clichés that we have presumably seen a thousand times before, I've seen better cartoons making better plots with these well-known story concepts. Also I cannot stand its humor, yes I know that this show is supposed to have some comic relief at times but can you survive to some of the most overused and uninspired humor that has been done to death already?Dear lord are the characters in this show so darned unlikable as heck! They're selfish, egoistic, childish and did I mention they're annoying? I honestly believed that the cardboard characters and the villains were less annoying than our main characters. And why on Mother Nature does a cartoon really need a cartoon character that has to sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger? It's getting tedious and old now, I'm starting to think that this is becoming something like when people started to make fun of Chuck Norris before it became rather tiresome for me.If I'd like to point out one very annoying thing about this show, although it's actually a pretty small one but it still annoyed me: if you really want your children to avoid this cartoon at any cost do you want them to learn to say things to their school-friends like: "Remind me again why we're friends?" Really? Is this something of what today's cartoons want to promote today's children?And let's not forget about its animation, before further info's I just want to say that I haven't always been a fan of Teletoon and their cartoons mainly because of their style. However not all of them are bad, I used to kind of liked one of their previous cartoons such as Atomic Betty which actually wasn't so bad but it was kind of rushed for the most of it. So it makes me wonder why couldn't Scott Fellows improve his animation style for his next cartoon? It could have been better than his Johnny Test but unfortunately it managed to keep the same choppy animation just like JT and in my deepest opinion this shows style looks even worse than his previous work with hideous and lazy designs I've ever seen! I've seen 5 year old's drew way better and beautiful than this style.Sorry for the long review but I simply couldn't believe of all the atrocities this show was presenting. I'm getting sick of these cartoons, but of course after seeing a few episodes I can already imagine how much hatred this turd will gain. I won't fool myself by wasting my precious time for something so bad like SuperNoobs. I might dare to say that not even other God-awful cartoons like Uncle Grandpa or even the shows (SN's) predecessor Johnny Test was as bad this. Please avoid it and make sure your children stay away from it as well too like the plague.-10000/10