Star vs. the Forces of Evil
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
TV-Y7 | 18 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    alexk-67067 I remember liking this when it first came out. I was 13, and so I watched cartoons a lot. I liked throughout the ages of 13 and 14, because I feel i didn't know any better. I then became 15, and what I liked about the show fell. I started to gain more understanding for cartoons and what I like about cartoons. When I look back at season one and I see a fun show that doesn't care much about a huge confusing plot, and I still like those episodes today, because they're just plain old fun. When toffee was first introduced, that was when the show fell. Now don't get me wrong, Toffee is a great character. He's the only one with an understandable backstory and his goals are understandable. But at this point, the show began to try and set up backstories and romance, and it doesn't work with what the show is about. This is why I bring up season 2, because that was when all of this was introduced. In season 2, they make two main characters fall in love, when Star says she's okay with it, but then randomly becomes jealous throughout the episode. I know they were trying to have "character development", but it did not work at all. By season three I gave up watching it. While my sister adores it I find no purpose to what this show has become. I do, on the other hand, like Pickle and Peanut, because is bathes in its own stupidity, and it only wants to make people laugh. Star is nothing but a show that will try to make compelling backstories, with random "emotional" scenes showing up, making you think, "they thought this up at the last second, didn't they?" They would occur out of nowhere. Sadly, this show has gone down to rubble trying to reach the stars (no pun intended). I thought it would be good, but only the first few quirky episodes are.
    keneshiafiwi This show has got good animation . That i can agree. But when it comes to its writing star vs the forces of evil is just.....BORING. First let me say i wanted to like it but didnt. If you ask me it tries way to hard to be like steven universe, gravity falls and adventure time. But on to the problems. 1. It is way too slow paced.( A certain scene can drag to long) 2. It is way too fast paced.(some episodes) 3. The school set episodes are so boring. They are just pointless filler. 4. Toffee is the most interesting character in the show. And he doesnt even star in it. 5.Ludo is a boring villain. 6.The humor of the show is not that good 6/10(before you say it is a story driven show and it is not supposed to focus on humor,Gravity fall and avatar are both story driven but have laugh out loud moments, heck! steven universe has better humor than it . Besides I cant imagine the school set episodes for nothing but comedy. You can even see the show tries but it fails.) 7. Pony head and jakie are suckish characters.
    ajacayen-47694 When I first saw the first episode, I find it very funny from the start of it until first half of the season. Once I reached it second half, I find it much more exciting to watch.In the second season, all I can say is that this is series is already going from better to best.So in conclusion, I find this show a highly-recommended, must watch series since its so hard not to forget. Especially its characters and story, I would really like to continue watching this until how Star and Marco's story continue.I highly recommend everyone to watch it and rate it from 8 - 10.
    Slamburger The Hamburger SPOILER ALERT! Look, before everyone hates me for my opinion i just want to say, I tried so damn hard to like this show. I heard lots of great things about it, so i gave the first episode a shot, the intro was catchy and the animation was great but the writing was bad, the story was cliché (like really cliché, EVERY FREAKING PERSON who has watched this must have known that star and Marco were gonna fall in love) and the jokes were unfunny. Also it's way too fast paced and it's extremely creepy how Star is portrayed in this show. I mean they literally made her wear a leather corset in an episode. Overall overrated cartoon, wouldn't watch unless they paid me to.