TV-14 | 09 April 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    mcoles-927-996211 If you liked shows like The Wire, Oz, Sopranos, The Killing, Breaking Bad, or any of the best shows in television history then you will like or love Southland. If you are a fan of NCIS, CSI, and the like, then continue your soap opera world. This is not the show for you.
    mcscardina Ok so I know I'm a few years late to the party...but from the beauty that is HULU i was able to watch Southland on my summer vacation. And all I can say little respect Hollywood has for the audience. What a great show, amazing actors, seat gripping storylines and it just rhyme or reason. I'll add it to the list of shows that left way too early and that I still miss; American Dreams (2002) and Jericho (2006)
    aflifer First and foremost I want to thank the outstanding cast of actors, director/crew that made this police drama possible. I loved every episode! Now, was there some creative/dramatic liberty taken..maybe. I mean It is a show after all. However this drama dared to show the dark side of not just a segment of LA society but of our boys in blue. It brought some of the grim realities of what goes on in society on both sides of the fence. So sorry it had to end. You guys had me hooked! Five awesome seasons! You did a great job and wish you continued success in your future endeavors. Some of my favorite actors made appearances on the show which made the show even that much more exciting to watch :) Thomas Howell for example. Love him in the film Gettysburg and the Outsiders. Yes I'm that old. :) "Let's do it for Johnny man!" :) lol! Same with Kevin Alejandro. Saw him for the first time in the recent series "Lucifer". Folks, as much as I knew it was acting it killed me to see his character get killed off the show. So many other characters I wouldn't have minded see an early death. :) Next to End Of Watch I've never seen any other police drama that truly had me at the edge of my seat/emotionally connected as this show did. Funny thing is that up to a couple a weeks ago, I had not even heard of the show. I just so happened to run into it on Hulu while I was browsing and figured I'd give it a try. I'll admit at first I thought it was going to be like all the other cop shows I've seen in the past. Good cop bad cop blah blah blah. Was I ever wrong. In closing this long winded review, sorry folks, a final thank you for police officers everywhere that by chance may read this. I realize how much of a bad wrap you guys have received due to some bad apples out there. I know that they are not a true reflection of what a true police officer is/supposed to be. I want to thank you for the sacrifice you folks make on a daily basis. I am a retired military veteran and seen my share of chaos/personal grief and to an extent know how hard it can be to keep the job away from home/driving you crazy. Sincerely, thank you and if you guys can somehow get this show back I would love you forever! :) lol!
    C.H Newell I watch a high volume of movies and television, but I have to say this- Southland is one of the greatest police dramas out there. This show combines great character development/writing in general with some absolutely out-of-the-park acting by some underrated actors and actresses. I'm a fan of police shows; everything from Law & Order: SVU to The Shield. Southland explores what it's like for detectives and patrolling officers both on and off the job, and how there isn't really a whole lot of the 'off the job' part when it all comes down to it. Especially in a day and age where police officers are quite often bad mouthed by a lot of the general public, I think Southland gives a show that not only civilians can enjoy as a drama, but I'd venture to bet many police officers out there might be able to watch this and (hopefully) relate to some of the themes going on.Two mentions I need to include for acting: i) Michael Cudlitz as Officer John Cooper. Probably one of my favourite characters of all-time on TV because with Cooper, you gradually see more and more of his personal life as the seasons go by, and from the very first episode (albeit very sly) we know he is gay. However, it isn't totally blatant for the first season or two, only in brief mentions. Cooper shows how an officer (or anybody for that matter) doesn't need to be defined by sexual orientation. He gives a voice to the manly gay men everywhere who can't relate to foolishness like Glee. ii) C. Thomas Howell as Officer Dewey Dudek. He is a great actor, but here he shines! This character was written for Howell- Dewey is a foul, loud mouthed alcoholic who eventually finds the right path through sobriety (although he's still foul and everything). Howell just walks and talks Dudek; he is him. There are many great actors on this show, but he holds as one of the best. They could have even used him more, however, his character arc was very satisfying.There is a lot of solid writing on this show regardless of what other people think; it's undeniable. Every show has its faults, but I find for the better part of this show's run it has been extremely well written. The characters shine. Shawn Hatosy is also one of the best on this show! Really great underrated actor. 10 out of 10 stars. Highly recommended.