South Beach
South Beach
| 11 January 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    indo-s-finest i loved south beach it's the best it kill all other shows out there is there only 8 episode? bring it back i loved it nd Matt is so fr-kn hot they have so much hot actors in the show its the best show I've seen by far nothing compares to it. i can't believe they cut it were are all you people out there you should be watching it it's the best show ever and you don't know what use are missing out on, i guess they did'nt advertise the show enough cause if they did then it would've been right up there with the o.c to be truthful south beach is way more better than o.c thought i liked o.c south beach kills it by far i don't think i've watch a series like it.
    moniebee I initially started watching South Beach when I heard that Vanessa Williams would be one of the stars. From day one, I was hooked. My husband even started watching it with me! I haven't given a shot to any new shows on UPN since it's cancellation in 1999 of the amazing show, Legacy (starring Sharon Leal, Grayson McCouch, Jeremy Garrett, Lea Moreno). It is REALLY hard to get over a show when they just cut you off like that, and you have absolutely no closure. BTW...still trying to get a copy of Legacy on tape or DVD...if you know where I could obtain that...PLEASE contact me!South Beach brings out the good and the bad, the beautiful and not so beautiful aspects of life in South Florida. I personally love Miami, so the setting is terrific. I think that the cast has done a fabulous job. Lee Thompson Young has portrayed his character well, as a young man who is desperately trying to make a name and build a career for himself and come from beneath his mother's shadow. The scripts I have found to be very interesting, and I haven't enjoyed an evening soap this much since the days of Melrose Place.I really had hoped that UPN saw the value in this show. However, I've noticed that it hasn't been on since February, and is on hiatus for an undetermined time period. I suppose that means that the new CW will unfortunately drop the show. If this happens, many disappointed fans will be the result. Personally, I will not give a second chance to any new show that the CW creates should this occur. It is frustrating to get into a show that is good, and then have it just disappear. I hope the cast knows though how much the show entertained, and that there are fans who support keeping this show alive - AND this is despite the fact that it is associated with the infamous Miss JLo...
    tennisxplaya07 Just because each episode doesn't have a happy ending doesn't mean it's bad. It shows the reality of what the rich and fabulous live up to. In a lot of shows all the airs are just unrealistic things, whereas in "South Beach," the actors portray their characters greatly and make it seem very real. The story line for every week pulls the audience into the TV, and the people can't get out of it. There are also a lot of attractive characters. The part about the three characters being from Brooklyn and being successful is sometimes a little unrealistic, but for the rest of the show, it is the rich and fabulous facing some interesting things. This show rocks !
    dinomurphy This is exactly what UPN needed to breath life into its lineup. Very creative work. With strong marketing, and a decent time slot, this show would quickly establish itself. My DVR is on record! The cast seem well suited for the roles they portray, not sure why guys from Brooklyn didn't have the right accent, but about midway through the first show that didn't matter. I think first shows are always tough, introducing new characters, plots and generating interest. Although I was initially unsure, I became more interested as the plot unraveled. I like the work of Philip Levens on Superman, he has done a masterful job in his previous works as a writer. I am sure he will be a break through producer and writer.., exactly what UPN needs to get market share. Let's see where the show takes us!