Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon
TV-PG | 07 March 1992 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    hellraiser7 As much as I liked the first season, I personally thought the second season was even better than the first and it's my second favorite season in the series.This was indeed a rather unique season and I personally felt improved upon the first in certain ways, what made it really stand out for me was in the format it used where we had two different story arcs in a single season. I thought this was a great idea because that meant we had two different adventures which to me kept the season fresh and moving.Both plot lines I thought were great and memorable, and what I loved about both stories where they contained a great sense of mystery, where we can see what's going on but we're not entirely sure. Which to me was part of why I kept watching as most of the episode were pieces of the puzzle I wanted to put together. I didn't want to miss one episode because it might have contained some crucial info. Both story lines are interesting from the first one "The Doom Tree Arc" which was sort of a dark version of the Adam and Eve tale. However the second one "The Black Crystal Arc" is my favorite which obviously takes it's cue from "The Terminator" but it's cool all the same because of it's execution from what we discover.But I think what really made the season great was in the characters both protagonists and villains. We actually got to see some developing character drama/arcs which kept the season interesting, made the characters actually feel more human at times I easily forget I'm watching animated characters but most importantly actually made me care deeply it really felt like what happened to them mattered. All these things were unique for their time and predated the TV show "Once Upon a Time" which utilized the same things.I really liked some of the villains and there story line, what made those villains stand out for me was that they were actually three dimensional. Some of them actually weren't evil, the problem was their heads were in the wrong place. They mistakenly thought what they were doing was right but were blinded by the corrupt nature of their own actions.Like Ali and En whom are both pretty much the alien versions of Adam and Eve. Hence the first initials of their names and on a side note when put together they spell Alien. I really like how we see how throughout their plights both actually start to become more balanced in their behavior as they have spent some time on Earth they discover feelings long forgotten and is the thing that actually needs the most nourishment.Or event the sisters whom I thought were worthy opponents and to me it really looked like the Senchi met their match with them. Each have unique abilities and I even liked the costumes.Two of them I really like Berther whom has ice powers and uncannily looks like Elsa from the film "Frozen". She's cute as she's is the most introverted and mindful let alone looks hot in that tight costume. Ahem, moving on my favorite one though is Koran whom is just fraking hot, not just from the cat like costume but has the persona to boot. Both have fascinating if brief character arcs as we see their encounters with the senchi and Earth have also affected their thinking and feelings and both begin to realized their pursuing all the wrong things like vanity which have made their souls empty and should pursue things like love, sisterhood, and selflessness which has made them happy and their lives full.I'll admit the only bad thing about the "Black Crystal arc" was Chibi USA really hit some wrong notes with me at first. Though it's not until the arc develops further she actually turns out to be a decent even tragic character when dialed down. I actually did like Chibi USA's character arc part of it in a way predates "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" and the "Dark Emma arc" on Season 5 of "Once Upon a Time" thought truth be told the arc on this show I thought was much better as it was more focused; we see how Chibi USA has great aspirations/ambitions but isn't' immune to dark influences much as Anakin Skywalker getting seduced by the dark side of the force. And from what she's transformed to and how far gone she is it really makes you worried for her life as your not sure if she can be saved or not.But of course the arc above all the rest is the romance between both Usagi and Marmou. I really loved the fact that we actually got to see some chemistry between both of them, whenever they were together it just felt so right, not just because they were destined to be together but because of the feelings they shared. Even when both of them were apart for a certain time both couldn't escape their karma as both were just like pieces of magnetized metal, no matter how far apart they were they always came together and their love was even stronger.Sailor Moon shines even brighter than before.Rating: 4 stars
    renegadeviking-271-528568 so like all the others out there, the was an issue with the 2nd disc, mainly episode 80 where the video craps out, well fear not as they have since fixed that issue in this box set and if you buy the December release of this item you will get the corrected box set, just watched the episode on both DVD and bluray sub and dubbed and nothing is wrong with it, now for the series in itself this is sailor moon R part 2 of season 2, or as some would say the dark moon ark, this is NOT THE DIC DUB so serena is not her name it is her real name of usagi, its wonderful that vis media has obtained the rights to all 200 episodes and from what I hear the 3 movies and a few sub plot episodes as well, the season is much more accurately dubbed in English and the Japanese subs are much more accurate to what is actually being said, if your a fan of sailor moon or grew up with the really bad DIC dubs I highly recommend getting this as this is an awesome bluray set and a wonderful treat for fans young and old, cant wait for the season 3 arc where we get the fan favorite outer senshi, and the infinity arc from the manga, anyone would be a fool to not add this plus the last 3 sets to there collection, the DIC dubs have there charm but this redub is so much better as the plot is much more closer to the series as a whole and fits better with the last 3 seasons. Set is typical goodness for this series of releases, except for one thing. On Episode 80, about 2/3 of the way through the episode the video gets shuffled around and becomes de-sncyed with the audio. The shots of Mercury and the other Guardians jumping out the window is placed before Mercury snaps from all the pressure.
    KatherinePetersdorf Sailor Moon R is my favorite seasonIn the first 13 episode of the season, during the Doom Tree part of the season, I enjoyed the story most of all. I found the relationship, the love square, going on between Serena, Darian, Alan, and Anne to be amazing. I had never seen anything like it before in my life, mostly because I was young when it started. It was probably what made me think Love Triangles and Love Squares where a great idea for writing in my own future. The second half of the season was great but it had several episodes that I found unappealing because the story line of those episodes was lame. Still, over all, the whole season was amazing, the entire story lines, both of them, for start to end were great. The Crystal Tokyo part of the story was amazing to. I would suggest that everyone watch this season.
    vale_of_a_fae Yes it's not exactly intellectually stimulating, but I doubt that it's made to be. It's not something to watch if you'd rather see the discover channel.......... ............. ................. ............... ......... ............ ................... ............ ........... .......... However, if you just want to watch something cute and happy and entertaining then it would be a good choice. Everything you watch doesn't have to be stimulating. Not that that's not good most of the time, but occasionally it's nice to just watch something and enjoy it.You don't always have to worry about analyzing everything. ....
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