TV-Y7 | 06 October 1985 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    WiseRatFlames An unexpected masterpiece
    BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    MermaidLyric My cousin loved it when she was a little girl having had a tough childhood. I took her under my wing in a way as I was 17 years older. When ever she was in town we'd spend as much time as possible together. My Aunt (actually her grandmother) didn't want her to watch the show because it "promoted fame too much" but of course she had never watched it and only heard the theme song. My little cousin loved it so I checked it out and started taping them for her so she could watch it. My Aunt trusted me implicitly so never questioned what I gave her on the tapes. When it went off the air, she was devastated. I contacted the company that produced the novelties and they were kind enough to send her all sorts of merchandise, some "signed" by Jem which made her very happy. I just found out that Walmart has it on DVD. I watched the whole thing and now I understand certain things my cousin did, said or related to when she was a kid. She grew up to make me proud. She has 3 beautiful kids and is a Therapist. If you're interested in a unique cartoon series with the basis of compassion, kindness and more, it would be as relevant now as it was when it was on TV. Preteens and young adolescents would appreciate it. There may have to be some minimal things related to history perhaps that may need explaining but other than that, Go to Walmart on line! It may be on Amazon but I haven't checked.
    michaeljhuman I am a 49 year old guy who likes auto racing shows, science shows and murder mysteries. Never watched Jem when it was new. But I do like certain cartoons, it's a weakness ;)Jem is of course unrealistic and a bit sappy at times.But, I figured out, the good episodes I have seen were written by Christy Marx, especially the very first ones. They are sometimes a bit soap opera like, but I think she's good at the emotional sort of stuff.The Starlight house regulars do touch at one's heart strings a bit. And when they forget to include them, the episodes are less appealing to me ( I think that was one of Christy Marx good ideas to have them.)The bad parts - the main male characters are no good. Rio is bipolar or something. One episode he has almost nothing to say and the next he's having some emotional breakdown. Perhaps we are supposed to think he's messed up due to his dual Jerica/Jem love, but that gets old. Eric is an idiot. If they made him clever, it would be more interesting. I realize this is primarily a kid's show, but kids are far smarter than this show gives them credit.The music is dull IMO. I love new wave, and would have liked to hear more of the new wave thing on this show. Better synthesizers, electronic drums...something. Some of the problem I hear are overly blended mixes where nothing stands out. I think they also went for quantity over quality and felt they needed 3 music videos per show. I ffwd through most of them.I think this show has more female than male appeal as they are often more in touch with their emotions ( stereotype, but true in my experience.)Anyway, it's been on re-runs, and I have tivo'd them, and I have enjoyed some of the shows enough to give this 6/10. I can see why people liked the show, as it has the whole feel good thing and the good guys win and the buy guys don't.
    NicML Love this cartoon, and like most cartoons from the 1980s, it was a great one. It follows the adventures of Jerrica Benton, who lives a double life as the musical sensation, Jem, and her friends/band mates,the Holograms. On their heels, are the rival band, the Misfits, and their sleazeball manager Eric Raymond, who are obsessed with ruining Jem & the holograms. It has a good number of other characters, such as Rio, Jerrica's/Jem's boyfriend, and during the last season, the other rival band, The Stingers. Also this cartoon taught great life lessons, along with entertaining the viewers. I know a lot of people like to complain that it's villains did get away with committing crimes, but it's a cartoon, let's just have fun folks. Great cartoon, I loved it as a kid back in the '80s, and still love it today, as an adult. It's a shame they don't make cartoons like this anymore.
    Mbrand I remember back in the mid 80's 88-89 Gem used to be seen every morning before I would go to co-op work every morning. This cartoon is something no one makes anymore which hopefully at some point that may come around. With the popularity of Girl bands coming into the fold, This show deserves to be seen by today's generation of kids who certainly are into catchy pop tunes they hear a lot in music today. This show no doubt can once again bring back the 80's which during that time rock music was at it's height in popularity before the greedy corperates turned in into a toy for their wasted pleasure in increasing their stocks. Anyway this long lost classic certainly deserves to seen once again to a whole new audience cause this is one show many animated writers can put their idea's in to make a great TV show that has positive messages. This show had it.