TV-MA | 10 May 2018 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
    amanuensis-67801 The first episode or two I was really intrigued, but as it began to be revealed that every. single. character. (even the minor ones) had a "dark secret" and the series was going to show you every. single. one, it just got unbelievable. More than once, the way characters reacted to big reveals felt unrealistic and forced for plot reasons. And I never bought the reason the gate around the community had been constructed in the first place. I finished watching but there was more than a little eye rolling in the last episode.
    mrryanscott-15530 This show is OK but it's a bit much in the end. Some of the acting work isn't quite top notch and there's so many twists, on top of twists on top of other twists, so they are not all expected which I like but at a point it's all just a bit too much and too contrived. I will try it again though if it comes back.
    fxallard Don't read the bad reviews, this was one of the best Netflix show I've ever watched... and a little twist at the end !! Watch it you won't regret it
    brockleyavenue I love British shows and constantly on the search for new ones coming up and rarely am I not disappointed. Michael C Hall is one of the main leads, and am an avid fan of his from his Dexter days, and it was good to see him another role, that he pulled off so well. The show was full of suspense, with flash backs to explain events, and really, this was a binge was long enough, and even then you wished there was more. Perfect. Excellent acting, directing and editing. Binge to Unhinge!
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