Real Rob
Real Rob
TV-14 | 01 December 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
    Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    robertandrewbacon Half of this show is watching a tiny, unfunny man in his 50's complain about his beautiful wife half his age while she uses her cleavage to try and distract you from the fact that she has no acting ability. The other half is poorly acted dialogue that would have been thrown out of any level 1 writing class.The show borrows heavily from other, more successful, show styles without knowing what makes those shows great. We're presented with documentary style interviews that are really just there because the writers have no idea how to write dialogue or plot so they use it as a crutch. No other parts of the show hint that this is a documentary and the cinematography doesn't emulate a documentary style either. It's mostly shot like a Soap Opera.We're also presented with some of the worst stand up I've ever seen in my life. It's just lazy, unrelatable garbage that Rob Schneider thinks others should hear because his ego is so massive he has no idea how unfunny he actually is. It doesn't help that Schneider dresses like a used car salesman from 2005 and acts like a selfish, egotistical garbage person during the entire runtime of an episode.Nothing in this show feels "real" like the title implies, but instead feels like Rob Schneider is trying to show off how awesome he is. There are zero original, real, or funny concepts presented at any point during an episode. You will be presented with plenty of tired, lazy, and nonsensical ramblings.I blame Adam Sandler for casting his buddy in so many of his films that Rob Schneider became a household name and millionaire. Without that money Rob would never be able to fund these insipid projects.
    simoncrunch Someone obviously watched a lot of "curb your enthusiasm"....problem is, when you are not a comedic genius & try to give your show some "street cred" with live cutaways to your stand up...which is as observational and funny as a new comic anywhere near you... He was cute in Dr Dredd I guess... But when there is a "stalker..and it is about as believable as a stalker for a dancer in a Nickel Back video. .This is comedy, my opinion only..clumsy nonsense.
    horkerklak I'm a fan of some of his known works, but this show didn't make me laugh even once. A lot of the jokes were just about how much of a prick Rob acted towards people, and it just didn't sit right with me. Like the scene at the book signing in the first ep, how he rushes away because "the disabled people arrived" because he couldn't be helped to wait for them. And that its supposed to be a joke and laughed at just kind of disgusted me instead.Its a strange concept for a show that could have some promise, but just because of how the jokes are executed and that the character you're supposed to relate to is rich and snobby just makes me feel wrong when watching it.I definitely won't be watching more of it.
    MovieHoliks I just finished up the first season of this Netflix original a few weeks ago. This is one of those mock reality shows, with comedian Rob Schneider playing himself, trying to make things work in his current Hollywood career. If you recall a short-lived sitcom he starred in for CBS a few years ago, "Rob", it's sorta like that, only with the reality TV element thrown in. It has the young hot Mexican wife, only it doesn't have the fish-out-of-water Gringo element that show had..?? LOL Maybe they're saving that for season 2? Pretty amusing so far, especially his dopey assistant, and his stalker, who at one point makes a better assistant than his actual assistant does!