TV-14 | 21 January 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    grandmahawk This show is incredibly funny. It is very dry, and there is no laugh track, so if you aren't into that type of humor/show, this isn't the show for you. They are particularly good at making fun of hipster overly sensitive liberal culture, while also making fun of the other side of the isle. There is something in each episode for every type of person. Sometimes, the humor isn't obvious. It isn't quotable. Its not something you can go tell your friends or share on twitter. A lot of it relies in the actual plot itself, or the subtle delivery from the actors. Sometimes it makes fun of movies, TV shows, or other traditional forms of entertainment. It doesn't stick to making fun of one type of person, and it doesn't stick to one type of humor. If you have a broad sense of humor or can at least appreciate their varying forms of humor, you'll love this show. If you only think very specific types of humor are funny, you won't like this. This show is brilliant, creative, and doesn't care about if it hurts your feelings.
    kingbk-2 I'm not from Portland, but I live there now. Portland is a beautiful place to live. Breathtaking scenery, an excellent public transit system, awesome restaurants, great beer and coffee, close proximity to mountains and the ocean. There's a lot to like about living here. Sure, it rains a lot, there are a lot of homeless people, and hipsters are pretentious douchebags, but most people are hard working, friendly and inclusive. Some people get annoyed by the "small town" locals and some people get annoyed by the "yuppies for California." I think most people are good people in this city. IFC plays on many of the Portland sensibilities in their satire sketch comedy show "Portlandia".I enjoyed the show when it first started, but my enjoyment has dipped since then. Maybe it's because when it started it was still a place for young people to retire. Now, not so much. It's a booming economy, a lot of new money pouring in, and things are changing, I think mostly for the better, but that's not how everyone sees it. Rent has increased, so has traffic, and some of the charm has disappeared. I guess you can look at it both ways, positively and negatively. Also, jokes about hipsters, weirdness and more grow stale after being told over and over again. Overall, I enjoyed it when it first started, but maybe it's time to let it go. Like one of their famous sketches suggests, it's over.
    spodhi Portland is a unique place, to say the least. When this show first started, I had hoped for a show that captured the vibrancy of the NW. The show does touch on topics of interest from the area. People raising chickens in town...the love of micro brews...the music scene.Unfortunately, it is just painful to try and watch! Think of SNL. They often have just a couple of skits that make you laugh. The rest are just failing attempts. Portlandia feels as if they swept up SNL's leftovers that fell on the floor, changed to a Portland theme, and then tossed it at us. I truly hope that this show will end some day soon! It would also be great, if they could tell the viewers that this is TV and not real. It is amazing, how many people move here because of the show??? Maybe, they should do an episode about the brutally high rent, lack of jobs, 7 1/2 months of rain and the increasing dis like of hipsters by the city.I have yet to laugh at this show, or be able to make it through a complete episode. Thumbs down!
    itmanager Just from the commercials alone I really didn't want to watch this. However, I decided to give it at least a good try. I ATTEMPTED to watch several different episodes but could not stomach the stupidity and lack of acting talent. This is probably the most awful show to ever grace the TV screen. Not only does it have very bad acting the whole idea of the show is just comedy gone wrong. I'd really rather watch old Charlie Chaplin silent movies, at least I'd get some laughs.I did my best to find something funny in Portandia but everything I watched seemed more like someone took all the cut scenes from the floor and pasted them into a nightmare. The show just goes way beyond ridiculous.If IFC has some wise people running their network then they'd drop Portlandia like a hot rock.