Drop the Dead Donkey
Drop the Dead Donkey
| 09 August 1990 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    James Isgar Its being around 22 years since the show first aired seems a long time. But we haven't forgotten tight arsed sally Smedley, anchor man Henry Davenport and general shag merchant Dave Charnley. We remember Alex paites who buggered off to the 'high classed' beeb and Helen Cooper and no one can forget the one man chemist which is George Dent and the jargon talking bullock brain hands off executive which is Gus Hedges and we will not forget Joy Merry-weather ( That is what she told me to put BEWARE) and they are all under the watchful eye of their megalomaniac Proprietor Sir Royston Merchant Best mates with Rupert Murdoch and the human torpedo Robert Maxwell
    Scotti_de_Radeclyf An extremely magnificent newsroom comedy featuring a terrific ensemble cast brought together long before David Brent was in charge of "the Office" (2001) came long. As poor deluded Gus has to preside over a motley crew of colleagues made great (I think) by Sally's shallowness, Joy's cynicism, and Henry's crusty old-fashioned attitudes. The brainchild of comedy writers Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkins, the series was created at a time when Margaret Thatcher was on her way out as the Prime Minister, and John Major (the Grey Man) was on his way in. As the time was right for launching a topical newsroom satire series which is why the episodes might appear as being dated since the scripts were always written at the last minute to include bits of real news stories.All in all … a fantastic caper of good fun making light of those in the news, picking up several comedy awards in the process. One series that we are much better off for having.
    hgallon "Drop the Dead Donkey" ran in six series from 1990 to 1996. The bulk of the humour deals with then-topical British news, so the program doesn't really travel well, or last more than a week (a long time in politics). Best of all the episodes released on video was the award-winning "The Christmas Party", which had hardly any up-to-date content.The central characters are all exaggerated caricatures of office and media stereotypes. Robert Duncan was good as jargon-spouting executive Gus Hedges, and Jeff Rawle as ineffectual editor George Dent. Haydn Gwynne played the cool, competent editor with a messy private life almost too well, so that the lighter Ingrid Lacey didn't have the same impact when she later filled the same role.Stephen Tompkinson's acting was probably the best although he was mainly used for the slapstick scenes. (Listen for the inimitable voice of Andy Hamilton playing luckless cameraman Jerry, screaming "Damien!!!" as Tompkinson's suicidally reckless reporter leads them into imminent danger, in almost every episode.)Susannah Doyle was a good "PA from Hell", but Sara Stewart's portrayal of a vapid blonde in the same slot in series 1 was also a delight.David Swift's portrayal of a vain newsreader must have been uncomfortably close to some real life newsreaders, with his booming delivery, ruined liver, and his obvious "syrup of figs".The series may have been killed off, but some of its highlights deserve to be remembered for a long time. Well done everybody, Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin in particular.
    Pammit During my 2 year stay in the UK, I grew addicted to this show. To a newcomer, the satirical bite to this show gave me the "real" feel of how the dry news of the day was perceived by the public. The writing was great and was brought to life by a brilliant cast! I was elated when I found this show was to be shown on Comedy Central in the US, but it took one viewing to realize that without the daily access to the british news, this show was lost here. Too bad! It was extremely funny! BTW, can someone please tell me what happened to that poor chap, Jerry the camera man?