| 26 September 1960 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    wildbillharding I, too, remember The Outlaws from when I was a junior western buff back in the early '60s. It's wonderful to hear of it again and put it into the history of TV westerns. The theme was superb and the underrated Don Collier was a kind of earlier version of Sam Elliott. Both of them could have been genuine western stars if born in different times. As a poster says above, Don could have been a B-western actor, and if he'd been born a few years earlier, Sam could have appeared in some of John Ford's later westerns. Both men have something of the real west about them.I hear Don is still appearing at western conventions. I hope someone interviews him in depth before all he experienced in westerns small and large is forgotten for ever. Good on you, Don!
    rexxous I vividly remember this show as a kid. It had great music, as noted by others, and had a certain grittiness about it that was compelling. Don Collier had the perfect face for a US Marshal -- tough, weary, cynical, and (occasionally) smiling. That he was not handsome in a typical Hollywood way helped the series. He looked like he'd really just spent the last few days in the saddle on the trail of outlaws. Collier played the role of lawman in a serious and responsible way like all westerns back then, but somehow more realistically. I also remember the show for great shoot-out scenes, usually at the end of the show. TV westerns in the early 60s were going through a brief period of especially graphic shoot-outs, and Outlaws benefited from this. I don't mean blood or screams of pain, of course, but a lot of grazing bullets and fancy gunplay. The bad guys when shot would crash very forcefully through windows behind them, or would flip over the hitching post rail, etc. Great time for stuntmen. Great time to be a kid watching this show. I'd love to see it again.
    optimistic-2 I only saw a few because they were on rather late and we had no home video players in the UK at that time. However despite this I have very vivid memories of the theme music which I recall as a kid partly putting into words along the lines of "Outlaws go and get your guns" but I don't think I got much further than that! It set new ground in realism. The cowboys actually looked as if they had been on the trail and rather unkempt. Close ups of Don Colllier with deep shadows cast by the brim of his hat over his eyes are also vividly recalled somewhat along the lines of the spaghetti westerns of later years. I am pleased to see some are available on DVD.Chris Turner
    chuckju This was one of the better westerns. I forget the main star's name who, with head sheriff Barton McClaine, were the setting for each week's new bad guy's story. Yes, Slim Pickens was in it. And in an odd twist late in the series, there were a few episodes of great comedy and adventure with Neville Brand and 2 other guys as cavalry soldiers. These segments had nothing in common with the regular series of Outlaws but were introduced with a story, as I recall. Too bad TVLand doesn't bring this back plus the even older Cimarron City.