My Two Dads
My Two Dads
| 20 September 1987 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    Syl The show's premise about a young single mother dies leaving orphan Staci Keanan to be raised by two potential fathers who are very opposite of one another. They are played by a former hometown resident Greg Evigan and Paul Reiser. The Judge who put them together is played by the wonderful Florence Stanley. Okay, the plot may have been dumb but something clicked on this show about two very different men who are not gay raising a daughter in New York City. Of course, a simple blood test would determine who the father was but it was more important that it did not matter after awhile. That family can be redefined about people who love and care for each other. The show also had the two fathers date women. Of course, now the show would be about two gay men raising a daughter which would have left the fire out of them trying to get along and live together as a family. Isn't family about people who love each other after all?
    signsoflife16 I enjoyed this show very much when it was on. I think some people read to much into the premise of a show. It is a nice show that showed that people in a family can actually love and take care of each other. Maybe it wasn't an Emmy winning show, but, it was fun to watch. Paul Rieser is hilarious to watch. Greg Evigan I thought did a great job in this show of being able to give it back to Paul's character. The daughter may have been a little bratty at times, but, aren't we all? I would love to see this show back on TV in reruns. I would really enjoy watching it with my own teenagers. I think they would get a kick out of it. Thank you for listening. I hope you all have a nice day. There should be more descent shows like this one out there.
    toddodias That has got to suck knowing that your nother was with two different guys in that short of a time period and to be living with those two guys. I guess this situation must of been okay for her at the time. over all the show was pretty good It would be nice if they made show like that more often
    smeadows This show may have more meaning for me than most anyone else. I've seen every episode at least five times. I would love a chance to own the videos if the show ever comes to DVD. I'm an adoptee who had a very difficult time living with my adoptive parents. My adolescent years were too painful for me to want to remember them. I could understand a child trying to cope with a foreign environment. I can definitely see much of my personality in her character. I was a bright kid. She had two parents that cared for her and tried to relate to her and understand her. I wish that I would have had so much. Her parents may not have known what to do in every situation, but they made an effort to seek outside guidance when they felt their own advice was inadequate. In this show I see the parents and the adolescent memories that I never had but wanted.