My Kitchen Rules
My Kitchen Rules
| 12 January 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    nancyannmunie Even though I sort of like this show, I am COMPLETELY disgusted with how Brandy and Ray J portray themselves!!!!! Brandy comes across as if she is better than everyone else, ABSOLUTELY NO sense of humor!!!! SHE NEEDS TO GET 5HE STICK OUT OF HER ASS!!!! And her brother is no better!!!! Even though most of the couples are not playing fair with giving their scores, Brandy and Ray J are the WORST!!!! I can not wait to see their ass off the show!!! Let them go back to whatever they supposedly did before for a career. They are the BIGGEST SNOBS AND PRUDES I have EVER seen. VERY VINDICTIVE AND CUT THROAT!!!! I REALLY, TRULY HATE THESE 2 PEOPLE AND DON'T BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE MAKE A WELL DESERVED NAME IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY!!!!!
    pencritical Let me start by saying that I have watched every season of MKR Australia with Chefs Pete Evans and Manu Fidel and an endless stream of colorful everyday people who wanted nothing more than to compete and win the title of MKR. Some for fame, some to start their own restaurants, some just wanted the money to start a family, but with few exceptions, they were all a joy to watch. The good ones and the bad ones. Why? Because they were all real and they all wanted one thing. They wanted to COOK! They welcome us into their homes and we watch them feed the chefs some pretty nasty stuff and in the weeks that follow they learn and they grow until and along the way you get to know them. You come to love them or to hate them and you also get to learn a little bit too. So, when I discovered, that at long last, MKR was coming to the USA, I was beyond thrilled. But, this isn't MKR. This show doesn't even resemble MKR. This show is just more tawdry, empty-headed, Hollywood junk. These people can't cook -- THEY ARE ENTERTAINERS -- and what's worse--these people don't even want to cook. They just wanted another chance to get their ugly mugs on the screen. Maybe I missed it, but I don't even recall there being a prize mentioned. It's just like Masterchef USA. Same thing there. A rip off of the name with absolutely none of the substance. I don't know why the idiots in Hollywood can't seem to figure out that half the country doesn't watch their stuff because we have an IQ that is above that of your average ape. We actually pay to download the stuff from other countries, because this stuff, like so much reality television that comes out of this country is canned drivel. Do yourself a favor. Download MKR Australia. Don't waste your time with this stuff unless you just want to watch Lance Bass and Brandi be stupid on screen. If that is what you are looking for, you'll be happy. and p.s. Not sure if this counts as a spoiler or not, but just in case, spoiler alert: Naomi Judd is certainly a rude person. She actually gave the real housewives piece of trash a run for her money. Lastly, Cat Cora, I expected nothing less, but Curtis, I am seriously ashamed of you. I honestly thought you were better than this.
    seamstobesew I'm torn on this one, While I like Curtis Stone, I didn't think Cat Cora was the best judge to sit next to Curtis. they dropped the dessert from the menu in order to be able to feature two different contestants.The Australian show is featured four or five nights a week, now I get that the USA can't really do this, but the best part of the Australian show is the dinners at home versus in the MKR kitchen, and they are popular for a reason. I felt Fox must have added this just to appear to bring in the idea that it is like the Australian show, but it's not. I'm not also entirely in love with the idea of featuring celebrities especially since it's like these are "has beens" and not really the more popular of celebrities. This is not Celebrity Apprentice. The celebrities I'm sure are getting paid, what else would the incentive to be to do it since no charity is being supported by participation.I've looked forward to the US series, but right now I'm not even sure I'm going to remember what night the episode 2 is going to be on. Sadly, I don't see the show lasting if it continues with the way it started. It's just a little to boring for me.
    CB After watching several seasons of the Australian version I was happy to see a North American incarnation... however, shortly into the episode I soon realised that it would fall very short of a low bar. Sadly, I think the choice of contestants was poor and perhaps just wrong as their basic cooking skills seem to be not their strength and thus not a solid foundation for the show. The Australian premise is that the couples competing are striving for a restaurant theme for their food and have adequate cooking skills whereas this series seems to have lost that focus and in place created a lame reality type show.... so disappointed!