| 11 January 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    Breakinger A Brilliant Conflict
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    grc4 MVP is a great show it has everything to it sports, suspense, romance, and drama. This is one of my favorite shows and i know a lot of people love it! I really wish they never took it off the air. It really is a show that is unlike a lot others.It was very unique and i never seen a show like it. Plus, i really enjoyed the acting and writing and i think that all the actors had a lot of chemistry. This show needs to be re-made or needs to be back on the air! Or at least they could have ended the show without any cliffhangers because i still wonder what could have happened to all the characters if the show was never canceled. I love MVP!!
    mdc-9 Except for the glossy look, this show had little to recommend it. The writing was patronizing and convoluted. Without exception the characters were shallow and unsympathetic. The female characters came off the worst... reduced to spoiled, selfish airheads whose soul ambition was to run around in slip dresses and stilettos, and try to bag a man. This aspect of the show is all the more curious as the series was produced by two women! The acting for the most part was dull and humourless with the cast playing one dimensional characters attacking every scene on the same note. This is not entirely the actors fault. Had they spent more time developing the characters and the storyline, adding a little injection of style and humour, MVP might have been a hit. What we're left with is something flat and vaguely unpleasant.
    finarose I just heard it was canceled. This is a HUGE mistake. I went against my best judgment and watched this show even though the advertisements on CBC made it look like an embarrassment. I actually can understand why there were not more viewers. You have to give people a taste of what makes this show addictive to watch and use that in the commercials for it. Instead, the ads make it look like a pitifully lame Canadian Desperate Housewives wannabe. I thought I'd give it a chance anyway just to see how bad it was. I ended up glued to the screen every week. Big budget, fast pace, tongue-in-cheek fun, over the top scandals, EXCITEMENT! It's not brain surgery folks, but this show had it all and now it's gone. Just plain fun to watch.
    das_0075 OK, I want to start off by saying :a) Don't watch this if you consider hockey a religion b) Don't watch this if you can't stand women in lingerie c) Don't watch this if you can't stand drugs, violence, adultery, cheating etc.Now that we have settled a few things, let me just say why you SHOULD watch this show : Because it is entertaining.I don't recall the last time the CBC has offered a show with beautiful women, beautiful men, great acting and a catchy storyline. M.V.P is a big surprise for me, since I had decided not to watch it, thinking it was only a low budget production with strippers in it. I would love to take back what I said, because this show is a gem. It is very underrated and I cannot stand people bashing this show because of the sexuality and mature subject. Hello, there is a warning before the show that warns you not to watch it if you don't like these subjects...The greatest aspect of the show is the contrast between the lighthearted subjects (which are treated with humor) and the more profound sad realities of life (which mostly revolve around the character of Trebuchet - great acting on his part also). This show should be watched for its entertainment values, I mean who doesn't love seeing women bickering and men fighting? On another hand, the only bad thing I would point out would be the clichés and stereotypes that these women (in general) live out. The rich and beautiful women who don't care about their kids and end up being leech's, sucking their husband dry, that kinda character. But all in all, every character has a certain charm and intrigue.Hopefully everyone gives this show a chance, and I actually took the time to write this review (which I don't normally do) because I was saddened by the bad press this show kept getting.
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