Merlin's Apprentice
Merlin's Apprentice
NR | 14 April 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Joy H Being a viewer with a short attention span who bores very easily watching TV I was amazed that Merlin's Apprentice captured me so much that it caused me to sit watching avidly for the full three hour epic on the British Christmas TV schedule. I wanted to break away, but I couldn't; for me this testifies to its excellence. Negative criticism of the Director David Wu is unjustified; he's been nominated for Outstanding Direction for another of his works, and in this there was nothing to barrack him about. The production values for a TV drama were engaging. The cast were not "wasted" as David Mayer claims, though it would have been more satisfying if Miranda Richardson had more screen time. I admit I did find some of the editing cuts rather odd, and some of the flashback sequences didn't quite work, but overall it was a very enjoyable fantasy drama. I very much disagree with David Mayer's comment that the script was "flaccid and slow" - personally I thought the vocabulary used was charming and thoroughly in the time/mood of the piece. What is David Mayer's problem about using many different accents? It makes a drama so much more interesting and gives it way more flavour than a piece which only contains a bland monotone of generic American accents - personally I love to hear more than 'one voice' for distinctive characters; especially in fantasy. Drama isn't ALL about SFX - this fantasy didn't really need them, because the story, the cast, the acting, the direction were good enough to hold the attention and keep the viewer watching - and that's ALL a production aims for. How cruel and unjustified for David Mayer to say this should be dubbed for comedy and that it didn't work - this smacks of bitterness to me, as though this reviewer has an axe to grind regarding this production. The truth is that it DOES definitely WORK and it's certainly not a comedy. Merlin's Apprentice is an enchanting, exciting, and captivating tale well acted, well produced, and well directed that all ages can enjoy viewing, with many "Oh my goodness" moments in it that keep you glued to the set until the end. Watch it if you can, and find out!
    tribblechomper Completely tossing out the window the events of the original miniseries, as well as the reasons Merlin did what he did, this execrable excuse for a quasi-sequel sucked like a vacuum cleaner on hyperdrive.Miranda Richardson repeating as The Lady In The Lake, good; looking like Queen Mab in her golden years (instead of the albino-white of the miniseries), and having placed a spell on Merlin so he slept (while she essentially raped him) 50 years...? I really wanted to like this (and yes, I saw both parts, and the featurette), but this was just too horrid for words!
    renata60 Very confusing and absolutely pointless movie. Don't spend your time on this crap. I don't understand why good actors like Sam Neill and Miranda Richardson agreed to take part in this stuff. After more than 1 hour we still weren't able to figure what it was about. Most often used sentence was "Camelot is dead". (I always thought Camelot was a castle.... :-S ) It felt like reading book from the middle. Camera was horrible, quite often you could see someone's face all over the TV screen. I really dislike this way of filming. I was disappointed mainly because someone tried to make it looking like continuation of original great movie named Merlin, where Sam Neill and Miranda Richardson also played. But visibly it wasn't the same director as in the first movie. It's awful movie, I gave it 1 point. Yuck :(
    Xander Seavy (RiffRaffMcKinley) Merlin has always been one of my favorite characters in all the wide world. I loved the original Sam Neill miniseries. Was I wrong, then, to expect this would be any good? Not at all. The film is a miserable disappointment, and deserves to vanish rapidly into the realm of forgetfulness where Queen Mab (Miranda Richardson in the original) now resides. The new characters are vapid and criminally underdeveloped... especially Brianna. Even Sam Neill seems to have dropped his acting skills at the door. While this story could have gone in any one of a thousand directions that would have been better, it had to be stupidly butchered. Never before have I been so embarrassed to watch anything, and, sadly, this has been captured on film and will now last forever.