Melrose Place
Melrose Place
TV-14 | 08 September 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Dotbankey A lot of fun.
    Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
    Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
    SeeBear My First ReviewI'll be honest. I expected this show to be one giant laugh fest, which is the only reason I decided to tune in.Boy was I surprised! What did I get?1. Characters that were over-the-top, yet believably two-dimensional.2. A Gorgeous cast that can actually, dare I say, act. Even Ashley Simpson's awkwardness works to create a character that is uncomfortably off-kilter. It was a shame to lose her so early.3. Sumptuous- Absolutely beautiful sets with fantastic directing. Seriously, the camera angles alone absorb you into the story. They're so impressive and will sadly be overlooked by most.4. Great writing and fantastic dialogue that will fill your quota of witty snap-backs for decades to come (courtesy of Ella Sims).The phenomenal Katie Cassidy leads this ambitious Motley Crew and lights up the screen with her flawless performance. Her effortless charismatic charms and sharp wit hold your attention from beginning to end. Even when she's not involved in a storyline of her own you find yourself missing her whenever she's not on screen.In this return to Melrose, the there's plenty of action and "Oh My God!" moments that mainly reside in the the dialogue and the ways in which the characters interact. It's a smart and more sophisticated version that doesn't lack for suspense and nail biting moments.And although wackiness ensues, their exists a level of respect and caring among the residents that you rarely find in a series of this type. Amidst the amoral antics, it can be surprisingly uplifting; making it a rare bird indeed.Of course, there's backstabbing, cat fighting, underhandedness (which is the typical order of the day), but the way the characters are fleshed out makes the impact of the tragedy that befalls them that much more affecting.Melrose 2.0 is a rare underrated gem that is a hybrid in many ways. It's campy, suspenseful yet smart and implosive, which can often confuse and polarizes audiences. It has aspects of the original but, in many ways, is its own creation.But if you don't mind taking the leap you will undoubtedly enjoy the smooth rush you get just being in the company of these wild sexy beast.
    Rubens Junior In the 90's I was a huge fan of the original Melrose Place and I was only a teenage. Unlike most of the people, I think that the best seasons were the first ones, and when things started being the most craziest thing on TV, it just stopped hooking me. People say that the 1st season wasn't so great because it hasn't anything catchy or interesting... but in my point of view it was great because, differently from what was the original Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose was showing a bunch of going-on-30's trying to achieve something in their life. They were living in Hollywood, in a middle class complex, working hard, paying their bills, falling in love, making mistakes. Melrose was meant to be in drama what FRIENDS was for the comedy but it didn't work for the audience and that's why it turned something that it became in further seasons.When I heard that MP would come back I thought that it would be a great opportunity to try its original idea again, most of all because I'm 27 right now, the same age of most of the original characters in the first season.But I'm a little disappointed because Melrose is just another teenage show getting the same track of Gossip Girl, a TV show for teenagers discuss the last episode during boring classes or also trying to be one of the characters. It's only a new TV show with people with great and stylish haircuts-and-colors, using amazing outfits, living a simple life that simple people wouldn't ever have. So, I was expecting something more serious and mature.But differently from what I felt just watching the pilot (which made me give just 1 star first time a wrote about it), now I have to say that it got a lot better after second episode. Despite some characters and amateur acting level (like that horrible Ashlee Simpson or that annoying Jessica Lucas), the lack of chemistry between most of the actors, and also the fact that there's background music in every single scene (which is also a lot annoying), the show is really holding my attention. Seems that it will be the same craziest thing that the original one was, but not in a so surreal way (well, I expect that). Of course that some things are the same: everyone needs to take care of their own backs, because everyone's crazy to stab each other.After second episode characters started to gain some edges and interesting constructions. Now I see that Sydney's death was a great background to tell each character's own story being interesting without losing its tempo. Even some explicit references to the old MP are there all the time (like the exactly same MP complex, cameos of the original main characters, and also characters with some personality resemblances to the older ones like Auggie = Jake, or Ella = Amanda + Allison), this is a totally new show.The best characters are the main ones performed by charismatic actors like Lauren Yung (Stephanie Jacobsen), Ella Simms (Katie Cassidy), Auggie Kirkpatrick (Colin Eggelesfield) and Jonah Miller (Michael Rady)... the rest of the bunch are totally forgettable and supporting. I repeat that Ashlee Simpson's character (and also Ashlee herself) is TOTALLY unnecessary, she's boring, she can't act and her character doesn't add anything to the show, any other actress could make what she's doing way much better. So, writers, for the sake of the nation, kill this character! Take this girl out of this show quickly!After giving the show just 1 star, now I give it 6... and I'll probably give more when Ashley Simpson get out of it.
    irmtnz I had watched the DVD of the original Mel rose Place and loved it but this new one was kind of Luke warm . The new Amanda just does not know how to act and for sure does not and can not replace Heather Locklear . The plots are written fine but not as hot as the original episodes .In my view, the show should have been far better than the original one to attract viewers , old and new ones, to sustain a very good rating and thus extend to several seasons . But if the same format and casting continue, I am afraid this will be a one season show . I keep my eyes open to see if any changes are announced and at that point I will start watching the show otherwise the current show is just not stirring any excitement in me to "want" to watch
    diretorio_k As a great fan of the original series, I admit that my expectations was a little too high about this remake. Most part of the cast is good, especially Stephanie Jacobsen and Katie Cassidy. But the plots are kinda boring.The Riley/Jonah couple is almost so annoying as Allison/Billy and Shaun Sipos looks like he's sleeping the whole time. Also at any moment there was that tension, that catfights moments or that great lines that the original Melrose immortalized on TV.As for Ashlee Simpson... was she on the pilot? I don't even remember of seen her.I'll keep watching this and hoping that they'll do a lot better in the future.
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