Masters of Flip
Masters of Flip
| 12 May 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    mariondowning-427-469344 Horrible couple and horrid show. The wife is the most annoying though and clearly full of herself. She does nothing other than stand around telling people what to do (and changing outfits every minute like a fashion model or something). I think she has a sideline in being paid to help advertise clothing since they hardly sell any of the houses and they're being paid more than the network would pay them. The husband must have slave labor hired to help with the grunt work. And news outlets gush saying "How do they manage to do all of this with their kids etc". The houses are all boring and forgettable too.
    munchies-54042 A tragic show and this was my first time watching.(and last) The wife has a constant nagging, over-bearing, narcissistic attitude, the sound of her voice is irritating because she does so much of the talking. Her ridiculous expressions and trying-to-be-funny jokes are neither cute OR funny, she seems very immature and unqualified to do the job. Maybe she would be better suited decorating DOLL houses but I don't see a well grounded person or persons buying into the trashy looking garbage she has to offer.The only thing I get from her is her desire to dress like a wanna-be fashion model (with NO taste) and it's definitely NOT working. Couldn't stand to watch her terrible acting, she is no cute darling, she's too phony.
    clbzipf I LOVE renovation shows and follow my favorites like a fiend. I watched 2 whole episodes of Masters of Flip hoping it would get better. It didn't. Between the goofy professionals (gardener and contractors) and the diva, Kortney, I found it really hard to take the show seriously. The focus of the show was on the antics of these characters and Kortney's wardrobe changes. Design/renovation was on the back burner. I learned nothing and found myself annoyed at the couple. The plot was about stupid arguments/power struggles that were supposed to be cute, I think. With so many other great professional design shows out there, this one will get skipped.
    lbunny-64393 I always look forward to watching good renovation on HGTV, such as flip or flop, property brothers and so on. When I came across this "master of flip" I really disliked it. The designer picks very tacky color as well as the end result looks very unprofessional. They seem to only care about the budget. In one episode the designer uses all carpet in the house, and the viewers that we're looking at the house disliked it and said they would eventually take it out. I find the designer goes with bold color, which is very brave but the end result the color she chooses don't look good at all. Compared to all the shows on HGTV it's very hard to believe how this show is still on. Probably one of the worst shows I ever watched in terms of flips. I hope this show can stop airing, due to lack of design, as well as color. Therefore I find this show boring and if I ever see it on TV and would probably just changed the channel and hope to come back to flip or flop.