Love & War
Love & War
| 21 September 1992 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    timmauk This is one of my favourite shows of all time. I was lucky to get some episodes on tape before it went of the air. This show was created by by the same team who created "Murphy Brown". Jay Thomas who played sleazy Talk Show host Jerry Gold on "Murphy Brown" did so well with his character, winning an Emmy, that he was given his own show. It originally had Susan Dey(Partridge Family/LA Law) in it as Jay Thomas's love interest but she didn't work out well. The second season had Annie Potts(Designing Women) added and this time it worked. Jay Thomas plays Jack Stein a major columnist for the Times. He hangs out at the Blue Shamrock bar/restaurant. He falls for the head chef played in Season One by Susan Dey. Things do work out well between them at all and by Season Two she ran off. Annie Potts replaces her as the new chef Dana fresh from Italy where she has been living a free and fun life. This time total opposites Jack and Dana butt heads but fall for each other big time. Just before they were to get married, the show was cancelled by CBS during the Third Season and the writers had her deported her to Italy!The BEST thing about this show has always been the wonderful supporting characters. Even in the first season when the leads were wondering around lost in some funk, the supporting actors keep the show together and made it worth watching. John Hancock played the Blue Shamrock owner until he died at the end of season one. So well loved by the cast and crew his picture was placed on the wall behind the bar after his death. The very funny Charlie Robinson(Night Court/Ink) played his son and new owner the following season. Joel Murray played lovable Ray the garbage man. The wonderful Joanna Gleason plays Nadine the hostess/nosy busybody. Michael Nouri played Kip a self centered actor who acts as if he's a big star though he is not. Susie Plakson plays Jack's fellow co-worker/buddy. She is my favorite and gives the best zingers. If they ever show this in reruns somewhere give it a try. I think you will enjoy it.