| 01 July 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
    SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    pfelon This show is really about Adam West. His deadpan delivery and obliviousness to his own shortcomings (or maybe it's denial, tough to tell from just one episode) is really what fuels the comedy here. It's campy and hilarious, but it's mostly a specific type of humor and while there are some jokes that deviate from this basic strategy, the show is not a conventional sitcom (which relies heavily on one-liners). The show is about characterization, specifically that of Lookwell. If you see him interacting with someone for 30 seconds and don't find it funny, it's not for you. If you like West's portrayal as Mayor West on Family Guy, you'll probably find this pilot hilarious and I'd recommend trying to find it online.
    hcmcb4-1 Some time ago, the cable network TRIO aired the pilot for LOOKWELL as part of its "Brilliant But Cancelled" series. I TiVoed it and have watched it many times since.Ty Lookwell is the role Adam West was born to play, which is good as it clearly was written for him. The writing plays to West's strengths as a comedian, particularly his surreal delivery of lines that no one else could say without cracking up.It might have been exhausting to keep this going week after week, but I sure would have liked to see them try.Someone should assemble a "great unsold pilots" DVD series; LOOKWELL could certainly headline the comedy edition.
    movieman_kev It's easy to see why this failed pilot didn't get a chance to become a series. Adam West's character Ty Lookwell seemed too one-not to me to every career a series (we get it he's an actor who played a detective in the past and now believes he can be a real detective, but is an idiot), and the writing by the usually capable and very funny Conan O'Brian and Robert Smigal falls flat here, I hardly cracked a smile. IMDb reviewers tend to look at any failed pilot like if it got the green-light for a series would be pure gold. Well guess what, not ALL failed pilots are gold, not even most. I'd wager a VERY few handful. THIS show is not one of those.My Grade: D-
    obiwan2005 Of course every one knows him as the campyist Batman ever. But this is 1,000 better than Batman. West plays a retired T.V. detective who, 20 years after his show is cancelled, decides to enter the Private Investigator business for real.( he uses a honorary crimefighter badge he got in 1972). He goes on these zainy escapades trying to solve mysteries. You got to watch it to appriciate it. The executive Producer was Conan O'Brian.