TV-14 | 17 March 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    lpokeefe Why this show was canceled so early, I do not know. The comedy herein bears Al Franken's trademark brand of satire, a wry, subtle kind of humor that I wish more people could get into. The shows were consistently funny and in some cases came scarily close to looking and sounding like real news programs. Possibly the best example comes in the episode "Error Apparent", when a new correspondent plays his tape of a local news report he did: "But for many dogs like Fluffy, the race ends where the race begins. *Bang!* *Squeal...*" (For the record, the funniest moment of the whole series is Franken's impression of Henry Kissinger.) The ensemble cast is full of terrific characters and actors. Probably the best character is Catherine Lloyd Burns's Mona, who comes so close to being an actual secretary you could pick her up from the show, drop her at any office building and she'd fit in perfectly. Second best is Ajay Naidu's Raji, who is hilarious yet manages to come off as something other than a parody of Indian people. The rest of the characters are great, too. Robert Foxworth shines as a self-centered, pompous, womanizing news anchor. (This is what I imagine them to be like behind the scenes.) Al Franken himself plays a correspondent that nobody likes and always gets really lousy jobs, like standing in the world's most toxic bog- there's a correspondent like this for every news show. Oh, and don't forget Megyn Price playing a neat associate producer.All in all, this is a great show, the kind of thing that I like to watch. Highly recommended.
    pauly-22 Megyn Price was the selling point for me on LateIine. She was smart, witty, sassy, not to mention incredibly sexy. She was a fantastic dresser, had a terrific figure, and exreamly attractive. I was very sorry to see this funny, entertaining show cancelled so early on, but I was especially sorry to see Megyn Price's character go. We wouldn't see her on TV's major running for a few years until she became a young mother on Fox's GROUNDED FOR LIFE. However, her costume department wasn't nearly as talented as her old one on LateLine. As far as female office characters go, she was one of the best. Forget Mary Tyler Moore's character, Price's Gale is the finest comedic women on TV. One to put in TV's history books.
    tgibbs279 "Lateline" was a well-written, wonderfully-acted sitcom that assumed the audience had a brain. And unlike just about every OTHER sitcom on TV, "Lateline" was about more than just sex. For those reasons, it didn't last.I guess the thing that really made the difference was the show's tone. It had funny situations and dialogue, not one-liners. That separated it from everything else on TV. The cast was fantastic: Al Franken, Robert Foxworth, Miguel Ferrer, and the gorgeous Megyn Price. They all acted and sounded like REAL PEOPLE, not sitcom characters shouting jokes. The show had a laid-back tone sorely missing on TV today.If you didn't already know, "Lateline" was a spoof of network TV journalism. I work in TV news myself, and I can tell you: In addition to being funny, it's easily the most realistic depiction of journalism I've ever seen on a TV sitcom. ("Murphy Brown" isn't even CLOSE to getting it right.)Fantastic show! NBC was crazy to cancel it. The network should have slipped it into its "Must See TV" Thursday lineup, and it would have run for years. Why does junk like "Suddenly Susan" last for years, while "Lateline" gets the shaft?Please, TV Land and/or Comedy Central: rerun "Lateline"!
    james362001 Ajay Naidu is the only reason why I watched Lateline. And he is very funny. He delivers his lines perfectly. I have been a fan of Mr. Naidu since I first saw him in No Greater Gift, followed by Touch & Go, Lady Blue, and Where The River Runs Black. Thanks to, I can print a list of the work Ajay Naidu has done and try to find and watch all the movies he has been in. He was hilarious in Subway Stories and had a good dramatic role in SubUrbia.