I'm with Her
I'm with Her
TV-PG | 23 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    dinnerbuddy Unfortunately, this show was not picked up. I am probably one of the few that found it entertaining and overly humorous. I'm With Her is based upon the director's own relationship with Brooke Shields. When I found out that the show wasn't picked up for the second season... well, I was somewhat upset. It has a wonderful plot, gets you out of your chair, it's drop HILARIOUS, and the acting is wonderful. Being a huge fan of the ever-famous Gilmore G girls, "Christopher" (in terms of GG fanatics)-or in the show, his name is Patrick - is just an average-ordinary school teacher getting bit by the love bug of the famous actress "Alex". The two most hilarious of the whole concept is definitely Cherie and Stevie... who are obviously perfect for one another. The headcase, man hat er, sister of Alex - Cherie and the surferdude best friend, Stevie. What could be better? The two make the show funny and slightly unbelievable, but hey! That's what makes a good comedy, doesn't it? The whole plot may not seem to be all that I'm racking it up to be, but I love it. The last episode made me cry, and the first episode made me laugh. I'm attached to it, and so far, so forth - I'm disappointed it didn't make the second season. I thought it was fairly well acted and intensely humorous. It depends what kind of person you are. If you like idiotic, funny, unbelievable plot - hey, this show's for you. But if you're looking for something more surreal and more drama - watch The Real World.
    Enchorde Celebrity actress Alex Young runs into English teacher Patrick Owen and her dog bite him. This is how the relationship starts out, but they soon find out that a relationship between a celebrity and a "normal" person can have some (comic) problems...This is a great show. It actually manages to be funny and make jokes about a relationship without becoming embarrassing or lame. What make it great is good writers that manages to keep a funny story going and the cast and characters. Teri Polo is great as Alex Young, David Sutcliff just as good as Patrick Owen. But the best are Rhea Seehorn as Alex's sister Cheri and Danny Comden as Patrick's friend Stevie. They add a unique air of comedy. Sure, they are dependent of the main characters but it is they that raise the level above good to great. The humor in the show also dares to be a little mean without being disrespectful, which is rare. So, I hear that the show has been canceled after only one season (with a most unsatisfying ending). First I hope I heard wrong, but I don't think so. Then I can only hope that anyone with the power to make a new decision changes his/her mind and gives this show another chance. It really deserves it! It really had something going...9/10
    Bolesroor This is probably one of the better situation comedies on the air today. Can an average guy find love with a beautiful movie star? How the hell should I know?But seriously, this is a decent show with some likable actors. Teri Polo is sweet (although not always funny) and the lead guy... well, he's forgettable. I'm not thrilled with the best friends who are unfortunately written as pure cliches. (Cherie eats Haagen-Dazs and whines about loser men, Stevie is looking to Score and starts every sentence with the word "Dude")One thing this show can lose is the LaughMaster 3000 laugh-track machine. It's too much, it's too loud, and it only serves to underscore the worst of the writing instead of the best. Let them breathe...
    Secretsauce2000 Just saw the pilot last night and I thought it was great. This show has all the right ingredients: a love story at the heart of the show and some hilarious comedyplayed by the best friend and sister. When Stevie licks the phone, I nearly wet my pants. Count me in!!!