Hello Ladies
Hello Ladies
TV-MA | 29 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.
    Monkeywess This is an astonishing documentary that will wring your heart while it bends your mind
    RipRapRob Having tried getting into this series across 3 different episodes I just don't get why this series has gotten so high a rating.The main character is totally unlike-able, self absorbed and has no redeeming qualities. I don't get why I should want to watch him be an A-hole to most everyone he meets.Why this guy has any friends at all and doesn't get punched in his face on a regular basis makes the show all the more unbelievable.I had to switch away from the program several times because I found it unbearable. No wonder it got canceled.Avoid at all cost.
    omart94 I never expected that Stephen Merchant was going to be that good an actor! I've always enjoyed the Stephen Merchant, Ricky Gervias, and Karl Pilkington partnership, yet of the three, the spot light was always on Karl and Ricky. Through watching the Ricky Gervias Show, I came to love the three of them. Ricky the bold, immature yet eerily sophisticated man, Karl the simple bloke who liked to question every thing, and finally Stephen, Ricky's right hand man. There was never much depth into Stephens character. I (being the curious person that I am) couldn't wait to see Stephen make his own show (away from the stand up comedy genre). At the beginning I was a bit skeptical, but then I saw how well Stephen Merchant handled his character. Pritchet is a selfish, arrogant and socially awkward middle aged man who always tries too hard; basically one of the worst people you can ever meet, however somewhere along the series you begin to feel sympathy for him, you see beyond the selfish douche-bag wannabe persona, you see a struggling man who has ambition. You feel sorry for him, but you know he deserves it. You admire him, you loath him. You think you are better than him, and because of that he inspires you. He is in many ways an anti-hero.
    Jack Donaghy Brilliant mate! (In Merchant voice)The second I saw a promotion for this show and watched Stephen Merchant on Fallon discussing this I was filled with anticipation. Both Gervais and Merchant have revolutionized on-screen comedy in a way never seen before. This sort of mundane, yet gut wrenchingly-awkward comedy that gave birth to The Office is something so desperately needed on TV in a time where viewers are bombarded with horrible writing injected with the steroids of laugh-tracks. And given the immense success of this Gervais/Merchant style of comedy I'm very pleased that Merchant has decided to give'er another go. If you have ever seen Merchant's stand-up...rest assured you will be pleased. For those of us craving more than cheap TBBT-esque laughs, this is your show. This show is definitely promising. My only dearest hope is that they refrain from heading down the road of predictability and romantic clichés.
    Ðaniel ßula Unique and original. An utter masterpiece - Merchant hits jackpot with his new role.A funny portrayal of life's bittersweet moments - all can relate to. If you like Karl Pilkington an Idiot Abroad or English humour look no further - this also coalesces finely with American humour too! Merchant's masterpiece will have you in stitches from the start!There's a lot to this seemingly small, intimate comedy. It's lucid and engaging on all levels and, as well as being an interesting, well-thought through plot, it's one of those rare, truly funny shows10/10!