| 15 November 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    trancezendance I watched and taped every episode (as I have no life) hoping against hope that at last there would be something Aussie and watchable on regularly. I saw Rachael Taylor - Sasha - display moments of great power when the script gave her a chance to show her potential. The stereotyped bitch role she plays is mostly predictable - it is much better when she is ambiguous - but the sometimes pedestrian script lets her and the others down. But at times, she absolutely fires. Her passion and anger when it hits home lift the show out of its is smug Australian 'she'll be right' sleepy complacency and cliché. She has presence and she is quite strikingly beautiful - gorgeous in fact - if the strange camera angles and lighting let you see her properly. Rachael has a bright future if she can get some serious parts. There are some other characters and plot lines that are also original and appealing. And some dags too. But the script wanders all over the place and wastes so much time on blind alleys and vacuity. One episode there will be a good writer (or team) and it lifts, the next it stumbles or flounders again. Much of it is unbelievable. The cast is overall pretty good. The script is the key. The script is this show's downfall.
    Scarlett Winter For any of you who have studied film and television in any form, do you find the camera work/angles/shots of headland just a disgrace? Either the company have lost their tripod or their camera workers have far to much caffeine in their system. Micellaneous shots are seen all over the place; when someone is ending a conversation by walking out there door we don't need a split second close up of their hand grabbing their keys to know they have picked them up. We can see them in their hand when they unlock the door. The lighting is artificial and washed out, not exactly the best choice for actors who want to look good on screen. We already have enough dodgy soap operas, we don't need another Home and Away. Next thing you know we'll be hearing about the up and coming cyclone that will hit the university head on and blow their mid-term exam notes away...while having some shaky handy cam work attempt to make it look action packed and exciting...
    escott-15 Didn't like it at first, put bluntly it sucked! But after the dreadful first few episodes it's really picked up and is now a pretty decent show. If you originally watched it and were put off (I don't blame you, most were) I recommend giving it another chance. It's improved a huge deal and is actually worth watching.Majority of the characters are great (except for the bland Elly and counselors dude aka Conrad Coleby) but the rest are quite good. Sasha is a great bitch. The Monks are sweet. Heath is darling, Craig is intriguing and as the show carries on the story lines become compelling with their mysteries, just what happened that fateful night of the car accident and what agenda does the intriguing Freya have? It definitely isn't the best show on the box but it's rapidly improving and lets face it, it has to be better than tired old Home & Away which has become so unbelievable (Cyclone, really?) and soapy it's become a joke, a bad one at that.
    The_Paismaster "Headland" is a badly scripted, badly acted and badly directed piece of fluff that involves a group of not-even-that-attractive non-actors struggling to deliver substandard lines while the camera rolls and pitches all around the frame.I saw the second episode the other night. The only reason I stayed watching it until the end was because I was depressed and hadn't had a good laugh in a while. The show had the potential to put me in two moods - furiously angry at the fact that lazy management at Seven has led to this being commissioned, and choking on my own laughter as the next revelation is delivered with the subtlety of an ice-pick to the head.At least "Home and Away" has the decency to be only half an hour long.