Harry O
Harry O
| 12 September 1974 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Jastrzebiec Vaguely remembered "Harry O" from "back in the day" yet there was something that stuck--why is that? Zerbe's grudging friendship as Lt. Trench was superb of course, he deserved the Emmy (as did Henry Darrow, portraying Lt. Manny Quinlan, who never got it.) Janssen deserved an Emmy more, as leading actor. Harry's character provides the solitary clue to great screen writing: we CARED about the character. Why? So simple, yet so difficult to achieve. The fact he had a bullet near his spine was part of the appeal, but also the fact that he was always hopping on a bus (unheard of in LA/San Diego), he lived on the beach, etc. These details implied a hidden depth and tragic sense to Harry that was very appealing. The voiceovers (narration a la Raymond Chandler) added to the effect and to the appeal. WB can MAKE MONEY doing DVDs of this short-lived series. They will make more than the issue of the series costs them. THAT BEING THE (OBVIOUS) CASE, WHAT IS THE HOLD-UP? (if you'll pardon the expression)
    danmyersco My wife and I watched the show when it first went into syndication. 78-79? We both enjoyed it. I particularly liked the way David Jansen portrayed this character. Smooth and cool. David's smirk really worked portraying Harry. Very low key approach that works. Farrah Fawcett was very low key and actually funny in her roll. Another gem in the show was Anthony Zerbe. The verbal barbs and sparring with 'Harry' were excellent. The original fugitive series was pretty good but over time the plots grew weak and the show seemed to crawl along. I check every now and then to see if 'Harry O' is available anywhere EVEN on VHS! great show!
    dhines5703 This was one of the best shows on television. The writing and the photography was outstanding. David Janssen was one of my very favorite actors and I really miss him. He had "mumbling" down to an art form and his understated style of acting was second to none. Harry-O made me feel good every time I would sit down and watch. Harry Orwell was an everyman's type of guy. You could relate to him. I think it was because you could sense his vulnerability. Episodes did not always end on a happy note and that added some credibility to the character and his profession. Warner Brothers needs to hurry up and release this series to DVD. I would buy the entire series in a heart beat. A classic!!
    copoll If ever a series deserved a better fate, it's this one. A quirky, three-dimensional main character, interesting plots and smart dialogue. It should have lastedyears, lasted 44 episodes. Janssen was terrific (better than in The Fugitive, a show where you only had to see the first episode and the last), his supporting players were almost as good and the writing, particularly by creator HowardRodman, was a cut above the typical TV fare. Yes, it was just another detective show and it did follow some of the typical cliches, but hey, it also provided a poignancy and adult (not X-rated, but intelligent) point of view rarely seen on the little screen. Hey, Warner Brothers (I think)! Where's the DVD collection?