Hardcore Pawn
Hardcore Pawn
TV-14 | 16 August 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
    Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
    KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
    williebaker9090 So I started watching this show about a month ago and believed for about 5 mins it might be real. It's about an old man who grew a legitimate business and has his spoiled ass rich white kids working for him, apparently they all have equal ownership cause the kids pretty much do whatever they want and talk to their dad as they please. The kids are by far the worst part of the show. First off the fat nasty b***t Ashley is the most rude and unprofessional "business owner"I have seen, she is rude to the customers, insults them and lowballs then far worse then the other 2, a customer will have to Lower their price about 4 times before she gives her first offer, and is often seen at the window being disrespectful, if I was to walk in this shop if it were be she would be the one to Avoid. The probably be best off to hide her in the back. Then the homo Seth really just needs to come out of the closet. He is almost just as bad as Ashley. He is a cry baby the most disrespectful to the dad always question his Authority, try's to look like a Badass by running his mouth hiding behind a 7ft 400 pound gorilla. The dad is probably the best out of the 3 if he'd cut that dumb ass ponytail and maybe Change his clothes possibly cover that bald head with a cowboy hat or something. This shown makes black people look bad by giving crackheads $20 to make a fool of themselves and get thrown, however I find it rather comical as a white man(my wife is black) that they exploit every black stereotype possible. as much smack as there is to talk about this show I still find myself watching it a lot.
    buchancody I made an account with IMDb to write this quick review specifically. I cannot believe i read a review referring to the Gold family as "classy." I used to be a fan of this show, I figured like most reality TV that it is exaggerated, however I don't mind that aspect too much. The crazy customers are entertaining- although quite sad once you analyze this aspect further. Considering these moments are mostly the exaggerated parts of the show, its sad they are required to garner any kind of sympathy or moral high ground for the Gold family. Obviously, when you have someone acting like a lunatic demanding money for junk, it casts the person on the receiving end of the tirade in a more positive light...Now let's pretend there aren't as many scenes of people acting nuts (and while I am sure it happens, I highly doubt it is as frequent or as black and white as the show depicts) and realize what the owners look like then. I'm sure most people already have a negative opinion on the Gold family, but can you imagine how much worse they would look if they didn't have these crazy encounters where obviously the customer is in the wrong? Keep in mind that most people here have claimed that they have been eye witnesses to this part of the show being staged...but i digress. Most of the blowouts between the customers and staff are humorous- even if seeing an arrogant punk act tough because he has 300lbs of muscle right next to him to protect him from any harm gets a little old.The sibling rivalry in the show, the family drama in general is all quite aggravating and not entertaining at all in my opinion. Despite this, I did watch this show quite often (albeit with my brain turned off.) Now to my main criticism of the show...There is no way i can stomach the shameless attitudes of Les, Seth, and Ashley. Ashley always was annoying, but its a television show so you have to have someone to cause conflict in the family. Les and Seth on the other hand are scum if they are in any way as the show depicts them to be. Les acts as if he has a huge heart and loves helping people out, yet his style of negotiating is to NEVER enter a negotiation without making the customer give an asking price- only to belittle them and make them feel like idiots (on television) for asking for such a crazy amount of money, no matter if the asking price is reasonable or not. I understand that for his business he is not going to pay what the item is worth. Obviously pawn shops need to make profit. They also have the added benefit of knowing the people coming in tend to be desperate, therefore almost certainly will come down in price. But it seems like its NEVER a small amount- Les tends to offer maybe 25% of what the person wants AT BEST. Once the customer makes a deal, which is normally a terrible one, we then get to see Les shake their hand and act as if he did this person a great favor...followed by talking to the camera about how great of a deal he has gotten.Seth is even worse. The sheer arrogance he possesses is infuriating. The only proof I need to know the show is scripted is that Seth hasn't been attacked for the way he treats people. He clearly thinks he is better than everyone, and his only motivation is to rip the customer off and make the MOST money he possibly can. He gloats whenever he achieves this goal.Its just business right? Nobody made these people say yes to bad deals, and the Gold family is there to make money. All true. Watch an episode though, see how they go about it. See how they treat people looking for a FAIR deal. See how they manipulate the customers into making bad deals, and have the gall to act as if they performed an act of kindness. If you enjoy this show, I don't begrudge you. In my opinion though, there should be an element of ACTUAL human decency. Of course the pawn shop should make only deals that will yield them a profit, but don't show me a negotiation where a customer's starting price is basically laughed at, negotiated down to 10% of what was asked, then show the Golds patting themselves on the back afterward for how much money they are going to make off something they supposedly didn't want.The Gold family apparently believes their business is to get anyone they make a deal with to the lowest possible price that will be taken. I guess you can call that good negotiating and good business. To me, all I see is a terrible group of human beings that have no souls ((probably caused by a deal that would impress Crowley ("Supernatural" reference)). In the real world business may be cut throat, but I can no longer watch these characters prey on the desperate. If you watch this show and are genuinely happy for Seth or Les when they rip someone off followed by either gloating or acting like they did a good deed, then I don't know what to say- I can't cheer on this greedy family and I hope one day karma comes knocking- at the very least by this show being ended. You can still make money, lots of money, without employing the tactics the Gold family uses throughout Hardcore Pawn.Rant over. QUICK THOUGHTS ON ACTUAL SHOW- If you never have seen it, I suggest you check it out so you know exactly the kind of pawnshop/business owners to stay away from. If you want lowbrow entertainment, this show is also worth a look at. Interested in the items that are pawned? Watch Pawn Stars.
    line123-811-445572 Hardcore pawn more like hardcore boring.It's borderline racist. The 3 main star's LOL if you can call them that are so self centered and money hunger that they would take candy from a baby.When the show first aired it was worth watching but has gone downhill they have fired so many people off the show that made it worth watching now its just a show of 3 self centered creeps wait a 2nd the new girl had a little hope at first but even now she is acting like all the other Gold's.If you must watch a pawn show go with Pawn Stars.
    rollanrenee Worst piece of fake crap to ever land on tru TV!!! I would rather watch one of the Golden Girls have a breast exam!! The whole thing is fake. They would just tuck tail and run if they were ever approached by someone they have on there! I would have already knocked Ashley out and sent seth back to the lord of the rings. Ooooo so scared of a fat chick and her recycled brother. Then there is mullet man. I watch a few minutes of it and it just turns my stomach. I thought Tru TV was for court drama and cops and stuff like that, but oh no we have to watch a dork and his fat sister pretend to scare off people, they can do that just standing outside in the parking lot!.... BORING!!!!! They SUCK!!!!