Happy Days
Happy Days
TV-G | 15 January 1974 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    Matt Boyce Happy Days is an all time classic American television sitcom. At its peak it was a fantastic can't-miss TV show and the reruns are still always on and watched by viewers today.I'd give the peak seasons a 10 but unfortunately in later years, especially after Richie and Ralph Malph left, the show got very stale and was frankly a shadow of its former self.
    writtenbymkm-583-902097 This show is absurd. No teens in the 50s looked like these people, or acted like these people, or dressed like these people. The girls' hair, makeup, and dresses are all wrong. The "diner" is a joke. People did not throw things at waitresses or otherwise abuse them. The cars are a joke, most teens didn't have cars, they got permission to drive their parents' car now and then, or, if lucky enough to have rich enough parents, were given a used car, they didn't cruise around in hot rods and dune buggies or ride motorcycles. Where did all this absurdity come from? Definitely not from reality. Find a high school year book from 1955 or 1956 and see for yourself. And by the way, the show isn't even funny.
    tdiet-24810 Happy Days was great first few seasons had a definite 1950s feel..Interesting lessons learned, very sweet, innocent and fun loving. The reason for the drastic change was ratings. The Potsie character was not generating the ratings. If Fonzie had not been the main star with Richie the show would have been canceled. I love the early episodes once the guys left HS show was not nearly as enjoyable. Once Richie character left I stopped watching....
    happipuppi13 It's been 30 years (only saw "laughtrack" shows in reruns) since I started watching Happy Days at age 7 & 1/2. I still have the photo my mother took of me in my Fonzie T-Shirt,giving the double thumbs-up. From beginning to end i had no bigger (mortal) hero than Arthur Fonzarelli.If ever a kid wanted to have a role model,there was none better. I took every lesson he and the cast portrayed to heart. I'm proud to say it made me who I am today. Henry Winkler played him so well I almost blurred the lines of fantasy & reality. Can't say how many times i tried to start a juke-box(or anything else) with my fist.Favorite episodes? Well being a boy then,naturally,it was any episode where Fonzie got to take on the bad guys. Be they gang members,Chicago mob-men,the Milacchi Brothers in the demolition derby or whatever time he showed up to fight for what was right. Definitely though the show where he becomes a part-time "daddy" to a boy,whose mother he's dating. The father returns and Fonzie does the right thing by taking a "dive" in front of the boy who calls him "champ" and letting him reconcile with his father.I did,also,like the show where Marion tells off a bossy Howard in the kitchen and she storms out the door! Howard realizes he's been taking advantage of his wife and he works it out with her. That's how marriage should be.The Cunninghams then:Richie,Joanie and parents Howard & Marion (sorry chuck!)were a family we all wish we had. Getting along great,arguing sometimes but working it all out in a reasonable way in the end. Howard & Marion were much like my Mom's parents,they owned a hardware store and were truly in love (no sons though).Richie,Fonzie,Ralph and Potsie at first were not a foursome of friends but after the show went "live",a cool biker guy actually became friends with "a nice guy","a joker" and "a real nerd". Only on TV.Joanie was Richie's younger sister who imploded the myth that girls of the 1950's were all "goody-two shoes". She wasn't bad,just going through growing pains. Jaonie had to put up with two of Fonzies nephews ( from "what?" brother?' ) trying to make moves on her. Spike was a pre-teen imitaton of Fonzie but Chachi was nicer and more sensitive and pretty much fell for Joanie at first sight. Despite Howard & Most leaving in 1980,the show carried on with different characters,but it didn't hurt the show as far as i was concerned. Happy Days was "my" show and nothing could stop me from watching it.I literally cried the night of the farewell show in May of 1984. A great big piece of my life was saying good-bye. It was like The Cuninghams & all were moving away. Still in reruns but I missed seeing their new adventures together.Thanks to everyone who starred in Happy Days,you were all the greatest and unlike some TV stars who have disappointed fans in later years ,you never have. You are heroes all and for that I thank you twice. (END)
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