Meerkat Manor
Meerkat Manor
| 02 September 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Rachel Cheryl Weaver Like i said in my summary, this show can be described in one simple word; which is, interesting. Those who have seen the show like I have would probably agree with me. The overall plot for all four seasons of this show, is the basically the life of a meerkat family called the Whiskers. Each season had 13 episodes that always have some type of drama going on; for example, Flower (Whisker's leader) evicting her daughter Mozart because she had pups. And since I mentioned Mozart, I might as well admit that she was my favorite character in the series up until she died near the end of the third season. Mozart was my favorite desert cat, because I felt for her when bad things kept happening to her, I happy for her when good things happened, I literally balled my eyes out when she died.. I was just really invested in this little she- kat's life. Of course I was really interested in the other group members too; including, of course one of the main characters, Flower, her mate Zaphod, his brother Youssarian, super sentry Mitch, and starting from the third season Rocket Dog, Maybelline, Sophie etc... there's too many to name! And I must say, when you start watching one episode, you get hooked on the real life drama of these intriguing meerkats. I first started watching it when I was 10 or 11 by the third season and I called it one of the best shows I've ever seen. So if you have a chance to watch this amazing show, watch it! There are episodes on youtube and there are reruns of the four seasons weekdays at 7 in the morning.8/10 I have all the seasons on DVD :)
    Susan Hewett I started watching Meerkat Manor about 18 months ago when I turned the T.V. on the Animal Planet and I just fell in love with it, it is in my opinion the best documentary series ever made. Those little Meerkats are some of the cutest animals I have ever seen. My favourite was and still is Flower, she was a great leader and she lead the family with an iron paw (as the narrated said in one episode). It was very sad when Flower died but that is a part of nature and it is no-one's fault not even the Researchers, that was the saddest episode of the whole series. I also loved Sharkespeare and still wonder what happened to him. I also felt sad for Mozart and Tosca when Flower evicted them from the family. Meerkat Manor isn't on here in Australia at the moment but I have the first 3 seasons on DVD so I can watch it whenever I like.
    soelesli The only show that we definitely make it a point not to miss right now is Meerkat Manor. It is super! I am also glad that they have begun to rerun it occasionally on Sunday nights, so that when we do miss a show, we can catch up. (It is also fun to watch them all over again.)I am normally reluctant to watch animal shows as bad things always seem to happen to the animals. The Whiskers family does experience some tragic moments, to be sure, but these are infrequent and watching the family dynamics is fascinating. You get lots of drama and comedy, and all of the actors are incredibly cute. You really do get caught up in it - I am sure that Yosarian's moving the pups episode had a lot of viewers yelling at the screen.It is so nice to have a show to watch that isn't so drearily predictable - you never know what Flower, Mozart, Tosca and company will be up to or up against next. (I am really concerned about Tosca right now!) Too bad the reality shows involving people aren't half as entertaining as this.
    melvira Whomever filmed this to leave a meerkat dead when they obviously were there filming it and could have saved it is not an animal lover in my opinion. This disturbed me and I think you should rethink your filming process! Obviously you were there you filmed it. I thought this was in bad taste and then you want people to sponsor all of this. Why so you can film another helpless animal dying in the sun. They may have a tough time of it but obviously greedy filmmakers are no help. Why don't you make slasher movies it suits your personality better. I can't even believe animal planet would be "down with this" and show it. Poor Poor Taste!