Gemini Man
Gemini Man
| 10 May 1976 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
    Dansmith14 It was a very boring show; slick, good looking and sharp. The general gist of it was that a man touched his Omega watch and turned invisible. It was put on as retaliation to The Invisible Man which was a much more sophisticated and elegant animal.There was an obligatory husky voice over and pin sharp editing but it pushed disbelief just one step too far. The soundtrack was horns and stabbing but the clarion didn't really come off for anything other than switch over and put something else on.
    thebobevil He is permanently invisible, due to radiation exposure.The watch makes him visible ... some kind of 'DNA stabilizer', according to the show.He becomes invisible again by turning the watch off.If he remains too long invisible, then he dies.Just thought I'd clarify the sci-fi element of the show.This was one of many quickly cancelled 70s series, along with the likes of Logan's Run, Man from Atlantis & Fantastic Journey that still manages to cling on in the minds of many ... how long before these shows get a remake, I wonder? Especially given the current climate or remake, re-hash & recycle, in film & television.
    CommandoCody This reworking of the failed 1975 Invisible Man series starred Ben Murphy as government agent Sam Casey. Following exposure to radiation Casey learns that he can become invisible. Unfortunately, he can only remain unseen for fifteen minutes each day or else he'll lapse into permanent invisibility and die! Nevertheless, the disappearing act proves quite handy for Casey as he undertakes assignments for yet another secret government organization. Gemini man avoided the biggest problem David McCallum had in his invisible man series by having the hero simply flip a switch on his watch to become invisible. The trouble with The Invisible Man was that, while it was inventive and attempted to be more realistic, filming scenes with the rubber mask took a lot of effort, and still remained highly unconvincing. Despite the watch gimmick, Gemini Man fared terribly in the ratings, only half of its episodes where aired before the show was canceled. Still the idea of allowing the hero to have the ability to switch between visibility and invisibility was not lost. The concept would reappear nearly 25 years later when The Invisible Man returned to television.
    Nick Zbu Despite being on MST3K, Gemini Man has a few good things going for it. Namely, a fairly good acting talents (one has to wonder if it's the writing that's awkward or the actors, I choose the latter) and a quite original idea: invisibility for only a short time before all bets are off and SOMETHING will happen. One gets the feeling that this SOMETHING would have made an interesting cliffhanging season finale if this series had continued.But nevertheless, the show was more a fistfight than an academic bout. Despite it's background, don't mistake the show for cerebral ground: the producers chose Ben Murphy for fighting alone. The rest of the cast, through competant, really don't stand out.Bottom Line: Watch "Gemini Man" if you want something along the lines of "Knight Rider," but without the bad flashbacks to a certain actor's "Baywatch" career. It's just harmless fun, either if you're getting into it or just laughing and remembering "Riding With Death."Not that bad of a series.