Game On
Game On
NR | 27 March 1995 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Bill_Bones "Game On" stands the test of time and really feels like a little turning point into the twentysomething sitcoms that pretty much dominate these days. I must confess to basing the vast majority of my opinion on Series One alone. Ben Chaplin, I feel, gave the show a bit more of an edge in that he was actually a very convincing bully and there was darkness in his issues that made the show really buzz. Equal credit should go to Matt Cottle and Samantha Janus. All of them nail the lines perfectly. The comedy from just the audio delivery of words like "shag" is fantastic on a simple level but the character depth boils on a consistent level as well. Game On was dark stuff and rarely resolved cheerfully, but in terms of biting character stuff it's as good as the format got.My knowledge of the later series is a bit sketchy but I seem to remember it feeling slightly less relevant and slightly more daft. However the show was always visually convincing despite being studio audience based (everything was in 1994). I think that the show has aged really well, I have fond memories of watching it at the age of 14 and it being brilliant and it still is.
    jaizmcg From the outset, this sitcom's concept could seem quite normal and boring. 3 people sharing a flat, and going about their lives and everyday routines is hardly original television.'Game On' however, manages to completely bypass any preconceptions that its main plotline would suggest.It focuses on the lives of the 3 M's; Matthew, Martin, and Mandy, 3 very different characters trying to make the best of what lives they have.It is fair to say that Matthew is the main focus of the three, as the landlord who never leaves the flat and constantly berates his tenants for being such losers, when he himself is an agoraphobic weakling shielded by tough male bravado.It is a brilliant character excellently played by one of my favourite British Actors, Ben Chaplin.The second series is still very funny, but because of Chaplin's leaving to try and break into film, he is replaced by Neil Stuke, who takes the character of Matt on well, but never lives up to the standards of the first series.I recently purchased the entire first series of 'Game On' on DVD and, after many repeat viewings, would highly recommend it to anyone.
    Mmyers2003 The show was brilliant. its not very often i like the friends sharing a flat kind of shows but this is a rare exception (along with young ones). Can everyone just get over the fact that Neil Stoke played matt in 2 and 3. Neither of them are any worse than that other. Its no good saying "I found ben funnier than matt" because they both would have read the same scripts and if neil had been matt all along you'd never have noticed at all.Janhus, Britain doesn't use laugh-track/canned laughter in its comedy shows, the laughter is only occasionally adjusted according to the "The Stage" website. America are famous for using laugh track not Britain.
    janhus Laugh-track tagged comedy, predictable one-liners, shallow character development. Seemingly desperate for controversy (slightly rude language, shag this, shag that etc.) to try and pick up some kind of youth audience. This is a lame excuse for television entertainment. You have to wonder if it was obvious that it was poor when they were making it, or whether it just became obvious after a few years of sitting on a shelf!