| 06 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    charles-boecher This show just needed to get past the first season, and mature a tiny bit. It's still a great show, and could be remade. X-Files has been remade/produced again. This show would have been a much better choice, in terms of revisiting. I really wish someone would take another look at it.
    koolstilez What a Brilliant show! Too bad it was axed. I wondered what had happened to it! Just like every other brilliant series that comes out. It is joined by the likes of Dark Angel, Tru Calling, Firefly and many others that share the fate of T.V networks relying on ratings to continue a series! Now all I see on T.V these days is Law & Order this and CSI that and the 50other Law,Legal and Terrorism related shows that cover every aspect of these topics. New shows continuing to flood every T.V station on the planet. Wtf has happened to the good old Sci-Fi/Paranormal shows that we all loved. I think I need to tune into another planet!
    Whitneeblink182 Wuts wrong with Fox? Don't get me wrong, they got some great shows, but how could they let this one slip? I have Always been into the supernatural side of life and this show grabbed me from the first preview I saw. Wut really grabbed me was that these monsters are actually based on real life legands or real life as I believe. I only missed the show twice! And I hate myself. The show was great Not to say Ethan Embry TOO!!!(GOD is he hot???)But Fox made a big mistake of letting this show go.
    Cedri At first, if you read the synopses, this would seem simply like a ripoff of movies of late, but this is one time you should second guess yourself. FreakyLinks, while it incorporates many elements of The Blair Witch and other teen flicks, has it's own uniqueness which shouldn't be brushed aside because of a similarity. From general aspects (acting, writing, production) to the little details (correct technobabble, existing hardware/software), FreakyLinks continues to shine quality. It good, and getting better, give it a shot!