| 10 October 2016 (USA)

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    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Mattia Ristholm Spoilers: This series leaves one with a lot of questions: A monumental catastrophy, where is FEMA, the National Guard or the US Army?Almost a fortnight passes before the end of season 2. How come there is no weather? Why hasn't the gas disipated or blown away? Even a school kitchen would have limited resources. How come this does not worry them?How can two love relationships develop over two-three days while they fend off zombies and struggle to survive? How come Diesel hooks up with a pregnant girl, just like that, and when she dies he acts as if they've been together forever. If Keller wanted to kill the kids why did they not just bust up the doors and flood the school with gas and zombies?Why did the female Keller agent go Guantanamo on LaShawn? What could possibly be so crucial so she had to break his hand and where did she get the strenght to break his legs with her hands? If she wanted to find the others all she would have to do was walk around a bit. Why didn't she notice that they were one guy short when they left the school?-What kind of name is La Shawn anyway? -Why did the Zombies loose interest in LaShawn the moment he died. He would still be stinking from gangrene. How come all the kids in the pharmacy had handguns?-Why are all the conflicts in the groups so contrived? Well the questions never end. There seams to have been zero energy going into the script. Some company boss just gave the order to create a zombie show for young people with some key features that would attract them. The story is so full of plot holes and contingency problems that it almosts hurts. To bad really because the basic idea is great. With that said the show does have a certain appeal so if you leave the brain at the door it is some entertainment to it.
    libbyjohnson-62685 Really enjoyed this show. Some really fun scares, definitely targeted for a younger audience I think, but good zombies and tension. All around just a fun world to live in. I think it's a rip-off of another show, but what isn't these days. Definitely has a great hook to it and keeps your attention from episode 1. Nothing groundbreaking, but definitely fun.
    kashmir-21651 I had never heard of this show before giving it a try, so I went into it without any expectations. Unfortunately, this did not deliver anything particularly good or memorable. The characters are all over the place, motivations are weak, and holy crap does the pacing suck. The premise is that of a group of stereotypical teens (more on that later) who end up trapped in their high school after an explosion of a chemical plant poisons the outside air with fallout and turns people exposed into something like mutant zombies.--Spoilers from here on--The entire 10 episodes only takes place over a period of about 2 days, which is very much to its detriment. It's also very confusing, as they keep making it seem like more time has passed - you keep seeing the characters bedding down to sleep, but I guess maybe they just all take a lot of micronaps? At one point the water is shut off and they only have what bottled drinks are left. They say with rationing it should last a week - and yet, even though only a day has passed (as they keep repeatedly telling you by talking about how it's been two days in the show over and over again) they're suddenly really low on their water. Not sure if I should say they're all stupidly irresponsible or if the show just decided to forget what was going on.The stupidity is not restricted to the lack of time passing. We get the stereotypical cast of characters (jock with his cheerleader girlfriend, the nerd, the bad boy, perfectionist girl, etc) who do very stereotypical things. There is, of course, the one who gits bitten and hides it from the group. There's the one who is an obvious jerk, who almost lets another character die by withholding the medicine he needs to live because he has a thing for his girlfriend. The main character is obviously the boy Grover, the whitebread boring lead who was never meant to be there in the first place, but showed up to detention he didn't earn in order to be close to a girl he liked. It's hard to care about any of the characters, or to believe they care about each other.One of the girls it turns out is pregnant, and this brings basically nothing to the story. She doesn't seem to put much emotion into caring about the baby, and it's treated like exactly what it is - a poorly thought-out plot device, one they bring up when convenient and then abandon otherwise. She starts an out-of-nowhere relationship with one of the "bad boys" and over the course of less than a day suddenly the show treats them like they're in love, and have a huge meaningful relationship, which it never actually earns.Eventually a man shows up who says he's there to rescue them, and has a vaccine that would allow them to safely breathe the air so they can escape. Only one of them has any misgivings about how this guy shows up and magically has a vaccine after only 2 days. When questioned why he was wearing a hazmat suit and mask if he's had the vaccine and doesn't need it he says because he'd already been out in it for 2 days and it was easier on him with the suit. That implies the vaccine was available to him the same day as the explosion. And with the exception of the one kid, no one questions this, and are willing to let him inject them with some mystery vaccine they know nothing about, even after he acts shady and refuses to answer questions, dodging them in very obvious ways.It turns out the "vaccine" is actually a poison to kill them as they are witnesses to the mutants the chemical plant explosion caused, and he is part of a team trying to cover it up. Big surprise. One of the group (the pregnant one, of course) has already had the vaccine by the time they figure it out and try to stop him. As mentioned earlier, she never really brings up the baby, even when she's been injected with poison and is dying.Ultimately, I only even finished this series because there was literally nothing else for me to watch and I was bored, but it's not really worth it. The characters are paper thin and VERY stupid (even when they try to convince you of how smart they are), the pacing is the absolute worst, and there are plot holes big enough to drive a semi through.
    hmyrina Thanks to my auto play settings on my ROKU this show started playing after what I selected previously ended. Don't expect good acting, there is none. Weak, weak, WEAK story and just about every cliché' scenario there is.---SPOILER---- If your black, your doomed (yeah, your surprised) . In a "leadership" position then your a WEAK leader like the detention teacher, but that's OK he has muscles and lets the kids walk all over him and ends up as the first snack. If your strong black athlete (Whaaaat?) but still alive you can't be allowed to be at full capability, so you have a crippling disease so your a burden on society O.o and you have to make statements about how strong and "badass" your white girlfriend is. You know, the one you "worship". Sigh.....--Spoiler-- don't worry about our team of heroes, they will be fine. the "middle eastern" looking girl knows how to make THERMITE bombs.... eye roll... yeah, really.---Spoiler--- the girl that lectures about being irresponsible and carelessness is the pregnant one.---SPOILER---In one stupid scene, after making "knockout gas" -you know, to knock out the zombies- our heroes tip toe and whisper through a room full of sleeping zombies and waste time fiddling through boxes instead of KILLING the 20 zombies on the floor. -- so they can wake up prematurely while they are still in the room. ---Uugh---This is a pretty painful piece of work. The only redeemable quality is that it is giving some folks employment.... for now.