So Weird
So Weird
| 18 January 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cortechba Overrated
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    nightbreed_16 I hope it comes out on DVD because I really miss this show. This show is really truly a great classic. I miss watching all the thrills and scares of the show. Maybe one day Disney might get it in their heads to put all three season of this awesome show on DVD. I miss every bit of it. I spent a most of my childhood watching reruns of this show and I hope to own it on DVD someday. If for some chance it does come out on DVD I will get it as soon as I can get enough money to get it. I like watching shows from beginning to end and re-watching them later. It most likely will some day in the future I just hope it is out on DVD when I am still alive. Well that is what I wanted to say. That is it.
    asherffius So Weird is one of Disney's best made shows ever! I just don't know why it's taking them so long to bring it out on DVD. It's been almost a year since they renewed the rights for it. I would buy it in a heartbeat. I have been watching Disney try and duplicate what they did with So Weird but have never got close. The show had a perfect blend of weird stuff, action, awesome plot, and music that all mixed to create a lot of times a very emotionally powerful punch. My favorite episode is where Fiona is in Ireland. That episode is a perfect example of how emotionally powerful this series can get. Cara Delizia the actor who plays Fiona is brilliant. They could not have found a better actor to play Fiona. She had such subtle such as when there was something really emotional her bottom lip quivered ever so slightly. You can't fake or teach that kind of subtlety. Awesome show. Needs to be on DVD!!!!
    moon_angel2002 This show is in my veiw one of the only decent shows that disney ever came up with. It's interesting and you'll love it. I was unhappy when they got reid of Fiona, and even though no one could ever compare to Fiona Alezx Johnson is good. She adds something new to the story and its still interesting. Even if I would have preferred they didn't get rid of Fi the third season is still worth watching.
    SingingAngel1085 I've been hooked on this show since last year. I have to agree with the majority though that the first two seasons were a lot better than the third. Fiona was more interesting than Annie. Fiona had a reason why she was searching for the paranormal--she was searching for her father the whole time. Since her father died when she was three, this was the only way she felt she could have a relationship with him. Many of the storylines revolved around this, which I think is what hooked so many people--fans constantly wondered if she would ever find her father. I don't know about anyone else, but a lot of times when Fi talked about her father, I would end up in tears just getting into the storyline. It was the perfect mix of Horror, Comedy and Drama.But then when Annie came into the picture, it lost that sentimental meaning. Sure, the panther made things a little interesting, but she didn't have the same love for paranormal stuff as Fi. Fi was into it because of her dad, but Annie wasn't really INTO it... it just kind of followed her around. All in all, the 3rd season was boring. You can't have So Weird without Fi. She made the show what it was.