Flea Market Flip
Flea Market Flip
TV-G | 20 April 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    tamdee-69567 Why do the contestants accommodate only Lara? They always take her boring repetitious advice. It would be far more interesting to let people use their own creativity rather than trying to satisfy Lara. Lara Spencer just ruins people's projects. It's obvious the contestants have to follow her orders. You need a better host!
    dpetras-91171 Please someone make her stop talking! So annoying and definitely not fair to contestants when she takes over their negotiations buying and selling! Ugg! Can you try a different hostess.
    intrepidami It usually has couples competing to win a $5000 prize. They scour an ANTIQUE show to find old junk, and re-purpose it. The concept is pay as little as possible, fix it up and sell it for as much as possible. They set up at a NYC flea market and seemingly get ridiculous, unheard of prices.Cute, but is it real? Well I've seen people really spend a lot of time and effort re-purposing things into fantastic pieces at the very same flea markets, and take weeks and weeks to get their asking price. Here they quickly create 3 items, and usually sell all of them! So are these contestants just so much better at it than people who've been doing it their whole life for their livelihood? Or is something else factoring in here? Answer, Something else is definitely factoring in! Pssssst "hey, want to be on TV? Than go buy that bar from Lara Spencer and those two contestants." , But it's $300!", Ahh go offer em $200 and Lara will sign it", Hmmmm? "You'll be able to show all your friends you were on flea market flip" That's what actually happens, I've witnessesed it.The show makes it seem like anybody could just load up a truck with re-purposed creations and go to NYC and sell stuff for $100-$1000 apiece all day long, huh? Not unless you bring a celebrity along to pose with, and autograph your pieces, sorry.One of my favorite comments by a contestant dissing their competition was "Alls they did was take a ladder and add a light?" It was basically true! You can go buy old ladders, $30, attach a light $5....viola! I can't see anybody paying more that $35, unless they're totally clueless and just won the lottery.
    bsobol-18805 Never before have I written a review about a TV show... but I simply must speak my mind on this one.This show is great in concept. And despite its flaws, I watch it and get some inspiration from it. As a picker and furniture restyler, this is right up my alley. However! It is completely unrealistic. In what universe does an upcycler have a team of master contractors with unlimited tools to help them? And the extra $100 they get to embellish the projects aren't even factored in to the overall cost. I would be much more impressed if the contestants had to do ALL of the work themselves, and had to pick out ALL of their materials at the flea market. (Speaking of the master contractors, the less camera time on them, the better!) But the worst part is probably the host, Lara Spencer. She is annoying! She rudely interrupts people and butts in where she shouldn't. She's condescending to the contestants, many of whom have flipped hundreds of pieces and really don't need her advice. Not only does she interfere with the design process, she interferes when the contestants are shopping for their pieces, and during the selling phase. I just saw an episode where she is actually negotiating the selling price with a prospective buyer! What?! And what's with the ridiculous short-shorts? You're on a TV show, not at the beach. Have some respect for your audience. She makes jokes that aren't funny and she just isn't interesting or entertaining. Her personality is flat.Love the concept, but lose the contractors, replace the host, and make it a REAL competition! Maybe have a panel of judges (like on Project Runway)critique their flips instead of basing it on who makes the most profit.