TV-PG | 23 August 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Artivels Undescribable Perfection
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    chadeley Bottom line. The only show Comedy Central had that was worth watching, other than maybe the Daily Show. Sure, SNL was great, but after I saw every episode, it wasn't worth it anymore. And 90% of the comics on any of the standup shows aren't really that funny. After about a year, they finally made another show worth watching, Chapelle's Show.And as far as Robot Wars goes? I used to watch Robot Wars all the time when it used to be on PBS. After I discovered Battlebots, Robot Wars was out the door.and for those who miss Battlebots, try buying Robot Arena: Design and Destroy for the PC. Pretty good game.
    TheUnholyArmpit Americans, dont you love `em? They see something they like, and then try to copy it. Thing is, they are like parrots, copying what ever they see with no comprehension of what they are doing. And this show is another example of this. Some US TV exec sees Robot Wars, thinks "we can do that", and makes a right mess of it. Robot wars has some structure behind it, the biggest part of the show is taken up with (sometimes brutal) competition - The US counterpart is mostly posturing. I could go on all night but, lets just put it this way.... Robot Wars` female presenter (Phillipa Forrester) has a PHd, Battle Bots has some woman out of Playboy. Watch the original, Robot Wars is still the best.
    taddo This has to be one of my favorite shows on TV right now. I just absolutely love watching these robots kick the crap out of each other! The new seasons keep getting better and better, with the current 3rd season looking to be the best yet.For those of you that haven't seen this show yet, or just saw the spots on the Tonight Show, here's a basic breakdown.People build some robots in varying weight classes. They then sic the robots on each other in a large cage filled with "hazzards" such as a 200 pound sledge hammer that slams down on one of the robots, or "killsaws" that spring up out of the floor. Enter laughter at the silly excitement. Watching newcomer Mechagore carve Vlad the Impaler (the odds on favorite for the heavyweight class) into metal sushi was a trip! It goes to show, that there's all sorts of new ideas out there. I personally like the bots that are designed to kill the largest design style of robots, that being the wedges.Personal favorites:Lightweight: Ziggo Heavyweight: Mechagore and Mauler Superheavyweight: ToroNow that the show is one hour long, its even more of a treat. Even if you hate machines, its a show that touches on that primal urge to break expensive stuff. (Some of the bots had over $20k put into parts/design/etc!)
    laissezfirearm There is way too much dead weight cluttering up the show. The Sklar brothers are exasperating.I have no clue what purpose Bill Nye serves. Was he the only guy the producers could find who was able to pronounce words like "titanium" and "actuated" without stumbling?Donna D'Errico was actually fairly decent, so of course they replaced her with a woman who looks and talks like a a cheap tart. (Ms. D'Errico was at least a classy-looking, top-dollar tart.)If they canned most of the jabber, there'd be time for many more fights.