Drop Dead Diva
Drop Dead Diva
TV-PG | 12 July 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Jerrie It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    pegimac I would love it if this show came back on ..I loved it and miss it...people were into it...everyone I know loved it. Great cast, great plots and a story line you don't see much...please revive this fabulous show!! I know that the real attorney was in the judges body when he woke up...I still think about what was going to happen in the next season. So in short, the writing was great, well acted, music good, fashion, make up, and I felt good after each show...could not wait for Sunday night. Drop Dead Diva tee shirt would be nice!
    Wandalys Diaz This is by far the best series on TV, mobile, whatever way you watch it. The script is perfect. The story line always has you seeking more. I just know season 7 will be awesome. When is the release date?? This show had me and now my husband addicted to watching it. I already watched all 6 seasons on my Netflix mobile/tablet accounts and my husband is now watching all the shows too. He tells me all the time how amazing this show is and that he can't wait to watch another episode. For my husband it's pretty hard to impress him, but he said that it's as good as the Fast and the Furious movie series. I think that says a lot since they sold millions as well can this show.
    dandan-dandan They need to bring back Jay Parker, hands down, and cut the "original Jane" character, and stop making Stacey make so insanely stupid decisions and being extremely dramatic, like suddenly going on needlessly urgent search for sperm donors to have a baby, sacrificing her relationship with Jane just to briefly hook up with Owen, then for no reason at all making a big deal and breaking up with Owen. It makes me sick to my stomach. Owen's character used to be so in love with Jane, for him to suddenly pick up Stacey and act all natural make it seem unbelievable and audience lose respect of him. You can tell the actor playing Owen (a very good actor) even has a hard time trying to make it seem justifiable! Any self-respecting actor will feel the writing is crap. What a waste of a good cast! If they are doing a sixth season and want to retain followers and attract new viewers, they NEED to do the following: 1) Their most urgent need right now is to bring Parker back and keep Kim around! These two are immensely appealing and drawing actors and characters. They bring depth and charisma to the show. 2) Secondly, make Stacey herself not a crazy friend betraying, sperm-crazy, lunatic mom! 3) last but not least, bring Jane and Grayson together already. It's painful and annoying to watch another episode where the show tries desperately to drag on the suspicion with irrational plots of surprises coming up last minute or interruptions during their confessions. It's not interesting anymore nor suspense. Just plain disturbance and people are losing interest fast. They need to move the show onto new grounds and stop spoiling a fresh idea by lazily adopting old tricks to fool the audience. These writers and producers need to get real and make a honest living, or most viewers will not return. If they follow these suggestions, I think they will find the show more successful. If they don't heed advice from the very people the show's trying to draw, they aren't very smart.
    Kingston Hawke I sat in on the second half of an episode, and then watched the beginning of the next... that's all I could take. This show is that bad!The core plot makes no sense. If the skinny-now-fat girl can't remember the girl's past that she's in, then how can she get by being a lawyer at all? If she can, then why is she such an incompetent lawyer (that always wins in the ending anyway, because after all it's a show)? The dialogue is cheesy and predictable. And the court scenes don't resemble court in any way shape or form. The timeline doesn't even fit, or are the writer's unaware that you don't pick up a case on tuesday and then go to trial a week later? And what's worse about this show is that it's trying way too hard to push some moral message about fat people, like being unhealthy is something positive. Smart play I guess targeting fat people I guess since there are so many of them in this country.
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