Death Parade
Death Parade
TV-MA | 10 January 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    cman-cpp I was pleasantly surprised by this anime. It has a fresh premise, that stands out among the sea of done to death (pun intended) ideas. The story is interesting, surprising, has some cool twists, and tugs at your heart strings from time to time. And the animation quality is top notch, which is one of the factors that drew me into giving it a try in the first place. The Dub is pretty good as well. Madhouse did it again. Give it a try.
    black-32147 I'm not gonna rate low cuz it might be good for other people so never harms to take a look... Although the concept seemed interesting I just could't get past ep 5 which is another reason I didn't rate it lower cuz I actually don't know the ending but I just can't watch long enough to get to it because so far the show is pretty much a mix of random things and I can't figure out how it's supposed to make one feel...first episode you feel a bit of horror and later on it's romance and comedy..dunno but it just all felt out of place. The story felt pretty shallow and empty..yes true some shows has a simple story but are still good shows but at least they would be executed properly..but with this show the main theme and idea seem to fall off pretty fast..I'm sorry but comedy and cute romance are stupid when you put on the table such a serious real life people would never behave in such way under these again only the very first episode game made sense to me...but that's just what I think so please check it out anyway.
    amory-47888 it is a philosophic anime ... no action ... no plot twist .. just kept waiting for something to happen .. but nothing very surprising really did happen ...but it is a kind of an anime that makes you go thinking about the reason you are living .. and makes you understand the human nature.. felt like it is a time wasting anime .. but worth understanding at the same time .. mixed feeling .. if you want some action and mind twisting then this anime is not suitable for you at all .. but if you want some drama .. then i think it is a good one... i wanted to rate it 4 or 5 .. but i was really shocked and surprised by the 8.2 rating .... felt like a lot of other underrated anime worth more rating than this one
    joelherro Initially I was going to rate this lower, because I couldn't work out whether it was meant to be serious or not. It's too dark to be a comedy, yet not dark enough to be a horror. There's some action, but not enough to call it an action anime. So I was a but lost and frustrated trying to work out if I liked it, but it wraps up nicely and I think it's more of a thinking kind of anime than anything else...Decim is the bartender in a bar called Quindecim. He is an Arbiter, a humanoid, emotionless puppet who judges human souls in the afterlife. Dead people arrive in his bar, not knowing they're dead (yet), and he provokes their memories of their life and death, then judges their souls either to reincarnation or to be cast into the void. One day, a girl is sent to help him, and she invokes feelings in him he has never experienced.There's a whole host of characters, and at only twelve episodes, you don't get to know much about any of them because the show focuses on the new girl and Decim, but it's interesting enough and worth a look if you're into this kind of thing.
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