Deadliest Warrior
Deadliest Warrior
| 07 April 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    j-kirby247 Basic Story Guide: Everyone has asked the question: If such-and-such fought this guy, who would win? Well, this show puts these fighters to test. Two fighters from both the pre-gunpowder and gunpowder eras, they have their weapons tested, and then in a simulation run over 1000 times, the winner is the one with the highest score.Verdict:I kind of enjoyed this series for a while. I really did. I enjoyed the series because it was fun, not because I am a history major, or ancient weapons expert, but because of what I am looking for when watching T.V. which is entertainment. I don't care about the logic behind the stunt, as long as the stunt is good. I'll throw the B.S. flag if I have to, but I'll continue watching the movie. Kind of a round about way to say I just want to be entertained.But I really hate the announcer who does the whole David Wenham from 300 narration of the weapons. Overly exaggerating the weapons. Like saying "The Such-and-such spear, a three foot instrument of death." Two episodes later, "The some-screwed-up-tribes-name trident, a four foot razor sharp spear for maximum slaughter." But if that is not bad enough, the guys who wield the weapons for their fighter are just annoying. Pardon my language, but they are constantly pissing and moaning, complaining that their weapon is better. God, it is so annoying. Some muscle bound jock who is either a member of the army, or just some know-it-all, arguing that an ax beats their sword, or that a gun is more effective than the other guys gun.Either way I used to enjoy it, now it's just gotten annoying. And don't me started on season 3.5/10
    mike-ryan455 Don't get me wrong. This ranks up there with my other low brow comedy shows on Spike like "1,000 ways to die." It's great for something to relax to, and watching people get splattered makes it all the more fun. But accurate it is not.Their firearms knowledge is ludicrous. For example, on the Yakuza vs. Mafia episode they stated the Yakuza used the Walther P-38 pistol. Yet the graphics they showed were of a P-08 Luger. These are two totally, totally different looking pistols designed close to half a century apart. They had the IRA carrying a Boer War period .455 Webley revolver and they touted its reliability over a Makarov. I own both. There is no comparison between the Makarov and the Webley. You can't hit the broad side of a barn with a Webley.They do not test uniformly. In the Yakuza vs. Mafia episode, the Mafia had six machine gun targets they had to hit with the Thompson. The Yakuza only had four they had to hit with a Sten. That gave the Sten an easier score. Worse still, they used completely different ways of testing the Russian hand grenade and the US hand grenade. Why not do something logical - put three pig carcases up in an enclosed room and see how each grenade does? It's a uniform test? I shouldn't expect too much from Spike. It's unabashedly guy TV, and I like that. But they could do a lot better job with a little more care.
    Fumbled This show gives the viewer the impression that it breaks down warriors from the past in a scientific manner that shows which warrior, if they met face to face, would be superior in combat. They tell us they use "state of the art" programs to create such a scenario based on tests they take from experts and historians.However, what we get it a lot of poorly choreographed and cheesy fight clips involving two LARPers, a bunch of "experts" that seem to have all sorts of superiority complexes, and a nerd on his Alienware laptop typing "complex code," which probably bears similarity to a pokemon game.The best part for me was when they actually tested guns on a fake skull with fake brains in it. As expected, the bullet penetrated the skull and left a messy exit wound in the back. Then with these "findings" they declared the weapon "lethal." Wow. I didn't know bullets to the head could be lethal! Thanks "Deadliest Warrior." The worst part is, they will give one "side" an "edge" over another even if both weapons seem proficient at killing another human being based on damage done on their dummies. Never mind the fact that a 50 pound axe takes a lot of grunt force to lift and swing around sluggishly. It deals more damage than a regular 8 pound sword that allows a soldier to be more maneuverable and swing more times. "EDGE: BATTLE AXE!" In the end they "punch the numbers" basically dealing damage to each side to come up with a victor through 1000 or so battles. Oh and you get to see the LARPers face off.
    kstulik Deadliest Warrior turns out to be decent schlock entertainment, but like many good contemporary shows, turns out to be fairly informative. The notion that you could actually determine who is the deadliest warrior in history is silly, not because they compare warriors from completely different times who could've never met anyway, but rather because the match-ups are all out of context -- Gladiator vs. Apache? C'mon.The show features a few regulars and then some guest warriors who specialize not only in knowledge of the particular warriors but who also are masters of the particular fighting styles and weapons of their particular historical warrior as well. The two different modern warrior groups usually trash-talk each other in goofy machismo fashion; I think they're being serious but it's good for a laugh.Each show demonstrates the period weapons and their capability against fairly realistic human analogs. For instance, they smash in the head of a dummy with a tomahawk, and the dummy is a simulated skull with simulated brain matter surrounded by ballistics gel. When the skull flies apart, so does the brain matter; it's pretty graphic even though it's just a dummy. There are a few extremely impressive demonstrations of skill by the guest warriors, so that's cool to see.The "computer program" they run at the end to determine who would win the most times out of 1000 appears to be some cheesy spreadsheet. I'm sure there's more to it, but they offer zero in terms of methodology, adding to the goofiness. The final battle simulation at the very end is pretty cool though, and it nicely ties in all of the weapons that were tested in the lab.In all, I gave this show a 7 because despite several cornball facets to it, it really is entertaining to watch, occasionally funny, pretty interesting and -- the best part -- informative. I watch it with my two middle-school sons and they love it, and the show always evokes some good discussions of martial history between us. Oh, and although I can find no indication of who the narrator is, it sounds exactly like David Wenham from 300.