TV-MA | 17 October 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
    jonathan_david02 First season---most excellent--the transition to the second season and that season thereafter was crap. Dropped story lines, forgotten characters, unresolved plots...just stupid. I loved the first season and thought it was most excellent...I am sorry I cannot say the same for the second season. Everything about this series screams ten seasons easy--- except the writers decided to get the mental apple splatters. It bothers me that such a promising series was sent top the the junkyard due to horrid writing and lack of network support. I appreciate the attempt by Starz to enter the market ala The Sopranos, Weeds, etc. but abhor the lack of support they followed it up with. I will certainly miss watching this show and will miss the pseudo lapd corruption I have come to love in real life and in film.
    emerson-9 Crash Been avoiding this one more or less simply because the movie crash was for me not that good. I saw short-cuts and then after that, saw crash. Therefor, the movie just didn't do anything for me.Then a Sunday afternoon in a rental-store I was facing a quite poor selection of films and ended up with this. Maybe my 10 comes aided by the fact i didn't have high expectations. Still, it's easily among the best things I've seen. Slow paced and maybe sometimes spaced out, true. But in a time when movies running 90min's can feel long, seeing a TV-show of approx 11 hours and just wanting more, that says something.Often there is good shows or movies that simply missed top mark because of some detail. Sound, acting, directing or whatever. This does not. I can't fault the anything about it. Acting is great, storyline, no matter how strange it on occasion might be, everything holds together with some magic feel to it.Watching "just people" in the Short-Cuts way mixed up with some acting and directing in a more D.Lynch way makes this highly entertaining and unique.No, it's not a comedy and it's no Shield and still it hit's targets on both sides. I will really see this one again.
    mozli Like other LA stories of the last 12 to 15 years(on cable primarily)this show wants to give a broad overview of the City of Angels. It has good pedigree considering its creator just came off The Shield. The show also has the humor and sometimes off-kilter meditative quality of the film. The other thing that comes through is that this is the TV show Mulholland Drive might have become had ABC allowed David Lynch to continue.Don Cheadle definitely has delivered a high quality show with Dennis Hopper as its anchor. Lots of great new faces and a few familiar older ones. I've seen some complaints about Ben and Anthony's relationship. Some people read it as slave and master. I'll admit I haven't seen enough of the show yet. We'll see. Right now it seems more familial.
    skin666 I don't see the reason some people hate this show. Some say it's unrealistic which I find quite interesting. People who hate these series must be impatient and shallow looking for the final product of the social life they live themselves. The whole point of the episodes is to bounce from one story to another. As strange as it may seem, but I have seen and I know people just like some of the characters of this show. It's not an action movie with a bunch of shooting going on all the time without a reason although there are some action scenes. This is a great show! I can't wait to see the rest of the episodes. It's not my type of a show but I got hooked. I like Entourage, Californication and this is nothing like it, yet I like this one too. Don't expect to watch this and get out of the room, and still be able to follow what's going on after 5 minutes. No way! If you want to watch this, you got to sit down. I give it 10.