Law & Order: LA
Law & Order: LA
TV-14 | 29 September 2010 (USA)

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    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    Tommy Having suffered through the first half of the first season of L&O: LA, and now watching the re-imagined second half of the same season, I'm pleasantly surprised they actually pulled it off. That is, it's becoming more like the original L&O and not some sunny disposition on life in LaLa land and rampant medical marijuana.They are also scouting out and actually using more locations as they did in N.Y. so you don't feel confined to the same old places or inside a studio's back lot. In the last episode, I counted about 15 non-studio locations which really upped the ante as far as quality of story and realism of plot.I also noticed they brought in some veteran screenwriters from the recently canceled L&O and are starting to "rip from the headlines" more. Not to mention adding the beautiful Alana De La Garza to the ADA's office (they never did explain her transplantation to L.A. but that's par for the course with this franchise). We just need the extraordinary writer Rene Balcer to pen a few scripts and we're halfway home.As for Alana, they desperately need to give her more lines. She's not just a pretty face but a very good actress. She was always one to get up in someone's face or talk back to some pushy witness or suspect (or cop!).A guest visit from Linus Roache or Lupo or Anderson or Epatha would be gimmicky but a lot of fun. Who cares? It's T.V. Does anyone really believe a murder trial starts and ends in less than a month? Real murder cases take years. But on T.V. you have to speed things up or you end up with a show like Murder One or viewers changing the channel. Too bad they can't find an L&O franchise for Lupo.The East Pasadena episode is a perfect example of "headline ripping" that actually happened to one Calif. principality, then utilizing another incident that actually happened in Florida where a man went to a city council meeting waving a gun and finally shot himself, and then tying it all together with a murder mystery.I'm especially glad to see Mr. Ulrich gone (shot! killed! never to return!) and Molina taking his place. Whilst Ulrich is an O.K. actor, half the time his eyes were bloodshot and he looked very tired and fatigued. I don't think the pace of T.V. sits well with his move schedule metabolism.Molina is a veteran actor and it shows. He is literally the anchor for the show now. Let's hope he doesn't depart prematurely. And they need a prominent out gay character other than a shrink like on SVU.And Corey Stoll looks so much better without the 'stache it's amazing. He'll be one of People magazine's hottest men of the year in no time (barring the show's cancellation). Having played second fiddle in so many shows, it's about time he was recognized for his talent.Rachel Ticotin, who still looks great since Total Recall, makes a tough but charming Lieutenant. Still haven't figured out the role of the DA played ephemerally by Peter Coyote. He's simply not memorable and not sure what his function is other than to bark at his subordinates.With all the above being said, I'm very excited about the rest of the season and hope it continues to deliver above-excellent scripts and performances to make up for the horrible first half of the year. Worst…Episodes…Ever… I doubt L&O: LA will have the staying power of the original L&O, and NBC (now owned by Kabletown), is infamous for putting garbage on T.V. or doubling-up on what they consider a good thing (read: the Today show went from 2 hours to 4 to 5 to ?). Maybe Katie Couric can do the sixth and seventh hours! I'd like to see more episodes about the intricacies of Calif. law and business practices as they've done in a few episodes and on the original L&O. I always thought New York was a nanny state but Calif. makes N.Y. look like their babysitter's dead (don't tell Mom or Bloomberg!). I can now understand why so many businesses are fleeing CA for points East, and why people are moving to other states where the cost of living isn't so crippling.So if you gave up on the show, give it another shot. I don't believe you'll be disappointed and like me will look forward to next week's episode. Who knows, maybe they'll shoot a couple of episodes during California's rainy season for a change of outdoor atmosphere. Flooding, rampage, riots, and of course, a floater.
    hotseatotsie At first I was sad to see Skeet Ulrich go, but the new lineup is working much better. It's grittier, more suspenseful, more like real L&O should be. I like the switchup of Alfred Molina's character, it adds some depth to the story. The UK Version is still my favorite now that the original is off the air, but I plan on hanging in there with this one. They took the ratings and feedback seriously and made changes. I'm not sure why Skeet was apparently part of the problem, I thought he was good and there was good chemistry with his partner, but the new mix works also. We don't see much of the Lieutenant anymore either. But I'll take any chance to look at Terrence Howard on a weekly basis!
    ChicagoTVFan Every Law & Order fan waited for the new franchise, many of us willing to give it time, yet, it is missing the basic elements that make us watch Law & Order re-runs. Cops, prosecutors, defense attorneys, defendants and an environment that is a character as well. Actors, unknown to most of us, who later in life become stars, like Melissa Leo. Slowly, we become attached to the cops and their partner relationship. The prosecutor, we all loved Sam Waterson, his conflict with his blue collar roots, watching the struggle with values and the law as he prosecutes. These unfolded over time. But all of the characters stood in snow, in rain, they sweat in heat... struggled with the environment of urban living, crammed into small work spaces and that was essential to the formula of Law & Order. People were not pretty; they were interesting or funny, but not slick. As much as everyone wants to defend Hollywood and LA, it is not urban; it is suburban. The buildings, the streets, the weather. It's a young city and it's an industry city. Everyone is too pretty, too clean, too smooth. I hope the franchise survives; I hope it returns to its roots, to head to an urban environment with history, weather, its "run and gun" feel, gritty, interesting actors, and gives us both Law and Order.
    lb-36 It's no wonder NBC is in last place in the ratings when they cancel a classic show like L&O and replace it with such drub and misery as this. My heart sank as I watched them try to make it as a CSI clone with their lame teaser openings and lackluster characters. First off why change the tone? The opening sequence of a classic L&O had more mystery and an off set plot device that makes you care about everyday people discovering something so out of place and unusual. Everybody seems to be the same here. The set up has to be stronger and even when we missed the Teaser we could at least catch up with the the plot at the middle of act 1. They would have been better off with a reboot called L&O The College Years.
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