TV-14 | 08 January 2013 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    g-tunnicliff Well being especially mental health is a difficult subject to build a TV show on - it relies on the main characters being liked enough by the viewer to be entertained. In this regard Cracked has done very well. The main character has to be cracked but competent and the characters around him have to be empathetic or there is no reason to keep main character. Also even though some of the subjects each week are not flattering we must empathise with their problems. Thus Cracked has done very well - this can only be accomplished by good acting and good storytelling. Overall the series has accomplished a lot but now the interplay between the characters has to drive the story and hopefully see the problems that materialize.
    sheilamarie-792-457401 Cracked is awesome!!I love the crime show genre, and this one is different enough to stand out from the crowd and entice me to watch every episode. Too many crime shows are built from the same mold. This show contains plenty of storyline and plot development, but still has a certain amount of thrill to its not just mindless guts and gore, its not just another Drama, not just another who-dun-it show. I think it dips its toes just enough into each.Cracked is a well written, nicely developed crime show. I love the character development over time, the subtlety between characters one can pick up on if you watch every episode...If you are looking for a more compassionate crime show, Cracked is for you. It focuses on Crimes involving the mentally ill in a manner in which I think we all wish real life police officers would.All In all I give Cracked a full rating, because it gave me everything I look for in a new crime show.
    Elle Johnston There is only one word to describe this t.v. series and that word is "horrible". Where to start on what made for such a disappointing and horrible first episode? The actors? The script? The unrealistic role of the unit? The audio mixing? The fact that the writer and director wants us to believe that a cop that had a break down and saw three psychiatrists who is now fit for duty can "connect" with a delusional schizophrenic murderer? I was really hoping that Cracked would be good in the same way that The Bridge was good. But five minutes into the show and seeing a doctor ordering a cop to handcuff the victim being detained by a delusional man who has a history of mental illness my hopes were dashed. Because no where in Canada or the U.S. would a police officer ever handcuff a victim. It's called unlawful detainment and in Canada it's a Charter violation and considering that the show takes place in Toronto the Charter would apply. The other issue is the handling of a person holding someone against their will would not be dealt with in such a "gentle manner". On a scale of 1 - 10 with 1 being the lowest, I give this show a 0 because it was just that bad.
    jonmccann OK, I gave it the benefit of the doubt for the first episode, but I had to switch episode 2 off after about 10 minutes. This show is really bad, mainly because the script writing is so lazy, and the actors just don't seem at all interested to be honest.As a couple of examples, early in the second episode, there is a scene set on the front porch, there are a multitude of knife implements around the main character (a great Canadian actor by the way that has done himself no favours appearing in this!) and the lead detective who is the main focus of 'cracked' replies to a comment concerning the knives saying he can only use one at a time...errrr no, unless multitasking really is beyond the realms of men, he can use two given he has two arms/hands! As an actor why wouldn't you challenge that statement in the script?! It's lazy script writing and acting in my opinion. So OK, that seems petty, how about a few scenes later when they find a car and investigate all around it, then exclaim surprise at finding a blood trail, clearly visible on the ground, as if it had not been noticed before taking the two steps away from the vehicle and the vehicle having been cordoned off by uniformed officers?! Errr, really?! OK, I agree these little observations seem petty, but these two issues happened within the first ten minutes and were not the only things.Overall, I disagree with other comments about the idea for the show, it's a stupid idea, but that is my personal opinion and I understand that writers need to be a bit more evolved around police TV series, because the gritty stuff like nypd blue and homicide:life on the street and the wire have set huge benchmarks that make it difficult to be just plain old police shows, but this is just plain lazy and the person that came up with this idea must be smiling from ear to ear, because he has probably been paid a fortune for five minutes of thought!! It's a bleak start to 2013 if this is the best that TV networks can sign up, especially after the tat that has preceded it like the mob doctor!! Can this show and put more effort in in the future!