Count Dracula
Count Dracula
| 22 December 1977 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    shoobe01-1 Unusually authentic, and effectively scripted, for a filmed work from a written work. Some unusually good choices such as a handsome and charming Count which leads to other useful, relevant choices of desire vs terror.But... it is 1977 BBC. Video interiors, film exteriors. Hideous VFX. Strange musical cues, and long stretches with no audio. Oh the posterizing! It's horrible! Oh, and pretty poor sound quality, with no subs on the DVD I got, so often hard to tell what anyone is saying. If I didn't already know what was up, would be hard to watch.Would love to see this exact script remade by someone. In the current TV era, it seems like it would go awfully well. Stretch to 4 hours or so and make a week of it, or a streaming binging series.
    Rainey Dawn Louis Jourdan as Dracula is fine to me, I have no problem with him as the Count. I really don't have a problem with most all of the other actors either - pretty much everyone was fine in the film.What I dislike about it is that it's rather drab and dry - it has no pizazz to it. The only pizazz we have is a psychedelic red and orange film with some black & white footage when something happens and I don't think that Bram Stoker would have liked or approved of the psychedelic parts of the film nor do I believe that is what he had in mind. What were they thinking? And the rest of the film is very dull.My childhood memories of this film were "it's quite good" until I saw it again recently and now I've changed my mind. I guess just seeing Dracula and the psychedelic colors were enough for me as a kid but not anymore.3/10
    can_i_give_up_now It was good, don't get me wrong - in fact this is the most accurate adaption of Stoker's narrative that has ever been made - but honestly, I found it a bit campy and it was rather slow moving.When watching this film, I had to constantly remind myself that it was made in 1977 by the BBC, so the effects weren't going to be great; the sets were going to be made of rubber and cardboard and that sort of thing, but I found that I was easily pulled out of the movie and was constantly reminded that I was watching something fictitious.When I'm reading the novel, it's extremely easy for me to get sucked in and almost believe that what I'm reading is actually going on. When the book ends, so does the illusion, but while I'm reading the book, everything presented to me is done realistically.This film, however accurate it may be, doesn't do that for me. I honestly laughed out loud when I first saw Dracula bouncing down the side of his Castle because in the novel, he's described as going out in a "lizard-fashion" which would imply a sort of jerky, yet speedy crawling motion (see 'Chapter 3, May 12 Entry: Later' to read what I'm talking about). It's things like this that make it hard for me to give this a full 10 out of 10 stars.Overall, a good film, though if you're looking for something with a little more action and a little more bang, I'd recommend the Coppola version of the film, especially if you're not quite as concerned about the faithfulness to Stoker's original.
    wparlette It is near perfection. The acting along with the eerie music make this a movie to remember as I have since a child. As I mentioned up top in the summary, the silly looking bat props are a serious flaw but otherwise there is nothing to fault. In fact, the effects that are used are quite good despite being simple(mist, negative film images, etc.) I just finished watching it a short while ago after 30 years. Without trying to sound cliché, it was like reliving a memory. Now that I have it on DVD I can go back again and least until I get sick of it. I note there are other reviewers who also, as I do, can't figure out why this movie didn't have more staying power than it did.