Corner Gas
Corner Gas
TV-PG | 22 January 2004 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    A_Different_Drummer You may or may not have mixed feelings about Canada's contribution to the film and TV arts. (Short history: Government receives Position Paper in the 70s saying that tax breaks could create a whole new industry; government grants tax breaks; for 30 years new industry is dominated by lawyers and accountants with no prior experience in production, and the product shows it; meanwhile 100s of Canadian actors and extras take speech lessons to learn to lose that tell-tale Canadian accent; US producers looking to increase margins discover Canada in the 90s -- like oatmeal, it is cheap and filling; by about 2010 Canadian product almost indistinguishable from US product unless you have a very sharp eye and ear). History lesson over, here is the big reveal. Not only the best comedy ever produced in Canada, one of the best comedy shows ever produced, period. The characters are all huggable, yes, but it is the writing, the writing, the writing. Here is a quick test. Pick an episode of Corner Gas at random and play it sound only, no video. It will work anyway. The writing harks back to the days of radio, it is very clever, and it carries the show. Not to say that all those behind the camera were candidates for a Nobel Prize. Many alumni from this show tried hard to make lightening strike twice ... and it wouldn't.
    SnoopyStyle Brent Leroy (Brent Butt) is the lovable schlub who operates the gas station in the fictional small town of Dog River, Saskatchewan previously owned by his parents (Eric Peterson, Janet Wright). Wanda Dollard (Nancy Robertson) is his sacarstic worker. Hank Yarbo (Fred Ewanuick) is his hapless friend. Davis Quinton (Lorne Cardinal) and Karen Pelly (Tara Spencer-Nairn) are the local cops. Lacey Burrows (Gabrielle Miller) from Toronto inherits the diner next door.The quirky list of characters that inhabit this town are quite funny. Their chemistry is undeniable. Nothing big ever happens but it doesn't happen in funny ways. This is a throwback to old sitcoms. It's not edgy. The reason that it works is the good comedic actors in good likable roles.
    BloodTheTelepathicDog I must say, this is one of the all-time worst sitcoms that I have ever viewed. It ranks right up there with Curb Your Enthusiasm as first rate letdowns. I went into this show really wanting to like it, but it gave me no reason whatsoever to become an avid viewer of the show. I gave it a two episode trial and didn't laugh at a single "joke" that was presented in this lifeless, flat sitcom. This show gives "dry-humor" a whole new meaning.Having sat through the two episodes at my brother's house, since I can't bring myself to pay for USA's Monk - the only watchable show on television today - I can breath easy, knowing that I am not missing anything worthwhile on the tube. Brent Butt, who seems to be lauded as a Canadian Jerry Seinfled, is the most colorless, lifeless lead I've ever seen in a sitcom. The writing for this show is clearly done by people lacking even a working knowledge of the word "funny." The similarities to Seinfeld end with the basis of the plot - both shows being about nothing. Where Seinfeld was witty and had spontaneous jokes, Corner Gas builds up their jokes at such an excessive degree that you see them coming, ruining their value. A joke with an obvious punchline is dead-on-arrival, folks - just like this show.
    erinedwards6700 This show isn't all bad. Brent Butt as the lead actor in the show can be very funny and so can his parents, most especially the way they play off each other. But the show is so dull and boring I can't stand watching it for very long. The jokes seem predictable and way too easy for TV. To be honest I don't see why so many people like this show so much but I guess to each his own as they say. It's not like I have to watch this show so I also don't understand why people bother to come on these forums and bash it, especially when it is already announced the show won't be renewed for another year. It is a lot better than other comedy shows in Canada and especially on CBC. Comparing it to Air Farce, Little Mosque et al makes it look like a work of complete genius. Way worse shows out there and I don't want to seem like I'm bashing it like I said but I think the show is dull and kind of stupid. Just one gal's opinion. Maybe it helps to be rural to understand the humor but I just don't 'get' it.